The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,136

got a taste of her own medicine. Maybe now she’ll leave us alone.”

Gabby would never leave us alone. This would only make her retaliate further. “Hide the grimoire,” I told Emma, turning on her. “If they search your room and find it, we’re fucked.”

Emma nodded. She hurried out of the room, and Kiara said, “They’re not going to search. I was smart enough to plant a decoy.”

I was pissed at her, so all I said was, “Better safe than sorry.”

It wasn’t an hour later that Lady Magdalina forced her way into the dormitories fully-dressed, several teachers behind her. She snapped her fingers and exclaimed, “Everyone in the Rec Room! Now!”

That tone she used left no room for argument. Lady Magdalina stood tall as students gathered around her, and she bellowed, “Miss Gabriella Ciar has been a victim of an Unseelie hex. As you all know, such magic is forbidden at Arcanea University, and we will not tolerate an assassination attempt on our future queen. We will find the culprit and expel them from this university, though I can assure you, if you are the one responsible that is the least of your worries. If you come forward now, we will not hand you over to the Arcanea Alliance. This is your only warning.”

No one said anything. Lady Magdalina’s eyes hardened, and she said, “Very well.”

She held up a crystal on a cord. It was the same stone I’d seen around Kiara’s neck so many times before. “When questioned, Miss Ciar says the hex came from this stone— though she can’t remember how she got it. It has been tainted with dark magic. If anyone recalls where this stone came from, they are to come directly to me.”

I glanced around nervously. Kiara kept the crystal under her shirt at all times— besides our friend group, I didn’t think anyone even knew she had it.

Magdalina’s lips were thin. “Everyone back to bed,” she barked. “I think there’s been enough excitement for one night.”

Students returned to their rooms silently. Emma squeezed my hand in a wistful goodbye. My heart ached at her absence, but I knew not to play around with Lady Magdalina.

Before she vanished into her dorm, I saw Kiara give a triumphant smile.

She’d gotten her revenge. I just didn’t know what it was going to cost us.

Chapter Eighteen


Ethan Nowak was a prince all right. A prince of oral sex. He was a master with his tongue.

My mind was still swooning with thoughts of the night we’d shared. Every brush from his skin felt like the touch of the gods. I never wanted the sensations to end. His intoxicating love was worse than a drug, and more addicting. I understood fully why people died for their mates. I would’ve laid my life down for Ethan if he’d asked me to, when I was on my back in his bed the other night. His affection made me that delirious.

Too bad the night had been spoiled by Kiara’s revenge. I couldn’t comprehend she’d go that far to get back at Gabby— though, in her mind, I’m sure she thought of it as protecting Alexei.

She hadn’t gotten caught, thank the gods, but damn if the school wasn’t trying. They’d opened up an investigation to figure out who had slipped Gabby the crystal.

Gabby had actually been taken down a peg. The curse must’ve scared her. She was quiet in class, and kept to herself. She didn’t even sneer at me, just ignored me. No features of the curse remained on her skin, but it was obvious that the spell had been so painful, it’d done psychological damage.

Gabby had killed people. I shouldn’t feel sorry for her. And yet, I did. What was worse, I was angry Kiara was turning into a monster because of what Gabby had done.

The end of April arrived. Spring was finally here, and it was blooming in Dolinska. Every street corner was lined with the most beautiful and vibrant flowers. On campus, the gardens absolutely erupted. Flowers were grown in such a way they looked like flowing fountains and streaming waterfalls.

I was on a stroll and enjoying the sun when I saw Delmare sitting on a concrete bench near a waterfall. She was casting an illusion spell, changing birds in a cage to bats and back again.

“Hey, Mare,” I said in a tease, sliding up to her. “Whatcha doing?”

“Working on transfiguration spells,” Delmare replied. Her brow was knitted in concentration. She changed the birds into bats again. “Not difficult by any means Copyright 2016 - 2024