The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,130

not forever. My body will only allow me to play professionally for so long. You must know that’s the truth with skating as well.”

Emma’s expression turned uncomfortable. “Yes, but I don’t want to admit it. I know my body is going to make me stop, yet I can’t face that reality. Skating is all I’ve ever loved.”

She shrugged. “Though I don’t have much of an interest in coaching once I retire. I’m looking into International Relations. I love to travel, and it’s been such an amazing experience coming to Malovia and experiencing an entirely different culture. I’d like to negotiate peace treaties between nations. There’s so much bad in the world. Maybe I can help there to be less of it.”

That would’ve been a good major for her rule as queen. If we hadn’t lost that opportunity.

“Perhaps once I graduate we can find a small cottage somewhere. A place that’s far away from everyone else,” Emma mused. “We can travel, and when we’re back home we’ll just hide away so no one can find us. People will forget you’re a prince.”

It sounded nearly perfect. I brushed her hair back and said, “I’d like that. After we’re married.”

Emma stiffened. Had I offended her?

“Is there something wrong?” I asked, hoping that there wasn’t.

“Well, no,” Emma said, in a tone that implied there was. “It’s just strange to think of us in that way. You didn’t officially propose, and we haven’t known each other that long. I know we’re engaged, but it doesn’t feel that way. I want to know the darker side of you. Before I take that step.”

The darker side of me? Whatever did she mean? “Do you have doubts?”

She shook her head. “No. I know you’re the person I want to marry.”

Then what was holding her back? I went to ask another question, but Emma cut me off before I could. “When are you thinking of getting married?”

“When you’re ready. But if I had my way, it’d be within the next two years. You’re my mate. I see no point in waiting.”

Emma pondered that. “I want to wait, if only to get to know you better,” she said. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There’s no rush.”

I brought her hands up to my face, to kiss them. “I will never rush you into anything, onawilke. You have my heart. Whatever you ask of me, you shall have. I obey your every command.”

Emma took in a breath and held it. Something flashed across her gaze I couldn’t read.

“What is it?”

“I just...” Emma paused. “What’s between us is mysterious, but so magical. I can’t understand why some sorceresses and shifters break their bonds.”

Was she implying she knew we were true mates? Or just acknowledging we’d chosen one another? I rushed into my next sentence, before she could question further. “Rejecting a bond isn’t just a decision. You have to go through a magical ceremony, to break the magic that binds two parties. It’s an irreversible choice. Once the magic is gone, there’s no restoring it back to what it was.”

“I didn’t know there was a ceremony.” Her eyes widened.

“Yes. The gods want you to be absolutely sure you’re making the right decision,” I said. “It’s incredibly painful. And rare.”

“But why would someone put themselves through that kind of agony?”

“Situations like abuse. Infidelity, sometimes. Divorce is illegal amongst the Arcanea unless you break the bond first. Most people prefer to work it out rather than go through that pain. It has to be a terrible situation for that to occur. It feels like you’re tearing your soul in half.”

Emma bit her lip. “Well, that has to be better than getting beat up all the time. I refuse to be with someone like that. I’d walk out.”

“Shifters who abuse their sorceresses aren’t worthy of life. They deserve to be taken out and hanged,” I said vengefully. “I could never hit you, onawilke. I would die first. There’s no one I wouldn’t harm to protect you.”

“And I trust you on that.” Her gaze was kind. “You’re a formidable shifter, but you’re gentle with me.”

“As a mate should be.”

The lights of the city were sparkling in her eyes as she asked, “Ethan... will you tell me about what happened after you lost your leg?”

My eyes widened. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because I’ve heard so many things from so many people, but I want to hear it from you,” she said. “What matters to me is how you felt. So I Copyright 2016 - 2024