The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,127

door while Delmare and I entered her dorm.

She looked so upset. I didn’t know what to do. “I’m here for you. What can I do to help?” I asked as she dashed tears away from her cheeks.

“I just... need a shower,” Delmare said shakily. “Give me a moment.”

I sat on Delmare’s bed and waited as she washed up. Each second that passed made more anxiety grow in my stomach. Would she be okay? And what about Stefan? Would they kick him out of the university for what he’d done?

A half an hour later, Delmare emerged from the shower wearing a fluffy black robe, face washed clean. It was weird to see her without the heavy black eyeliner and black lipstick she usually wore. She looked like a different person.

Delmare sighed and sat next to me. She wasn’t crying anymore, but her face was knotted in worry. “Is Stefan back yet?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

“This is what I was afraid of, Emma.” Delmare bit her lip. “I didn’t want Stefan to know because I knew he’d make Andrik pay. Now he’s going to get kicked out of school, because of me.”

“You did nothing,” I said firmly. “Andrik got what was coming to him, and Lunesta knows he’s a creep. She won’t throw Stefan out of school.”

Delmare chewed at her fingernails. “Well... I hope not.”

“She won’t,” I said. “And besides. Somebody had to teach that ass a lesson, right?”

She smiled. “Well... it was kind of nice watching Stefan kick Andrik’s teeth in.”

“Exactly,” I said. “Stefan turned Andrik’s face into mashed potatoes. He won’t bother you again, that’s for sure.”

Delmare ran a hand through her wet hair. “I didn’t know Stefan could be so brutal. It was scary.”

“Because he loves you, Mare. He risked giving up his admission at Arcanea University to defend you,” I said. “He didn’t even have to think twice.”

Delmare stared at the carpet introspectively. “I’m just glad you guys showed up,” she whispered. “If Stefan hadn’t stopped him...”

“Don’t finish that sentence. Nothing happened,” I said. “Nothing is ever going to happen to you, as long as Stefan is around.”

She smiled slightly. Ethan knocked, then poked his head into the room. “Stefan’s back,” he said. “If you’re ready, he wants to talk to you.”

Ethan closed the door slowly. Delmare shot up from the bed. “Shit! I can’t talk to him now. My hair isn’t dry, and I don’t have any makeup on!”

“Mare! Stefan doesn’t give a shit about your makeup or hair!” I shouted. Gods, this was the girl who complained about Gabby getting her nails done. Pot calling the kettle black much?

“He’s never seen me like... this.” She gestured to herself. “I look like a mess.”

“You look fine. Except I suggest changing out of that robe, because if he walks in here with you wearing that, I’m sure it’s gonna come off tonight,” I joked.

“Ugh. You’re right.” Delmare started rummaging through her clothes. “What do I say to him, Emma?”

“I don’t know. Do you want to talk to him?” I asked.

She paused. “Yes. I think I should.”

“Then you should be honest with him about your feelings,” I said. “Even if it’s scary.”

She bunched a shirt into her hands and did not answer. I think she was still on the fence, and I didn’t blame her. Tonight was not the time for making decisions.

“Are you okay being alone with him?” I asked.

She nodded. “I know he’s not going to hurt me. He proved that tonight.”

“Okay. Then we’ll let him in.” I gave her a hug. “I love you, Mare.”

“I love you too.” She pushed me out the door. “Now stall him, so I can find something to wear.”

Stefan was waiting in the Rec Room with Ethan, standing calmly near the fireplace. Instead of rage filling his features, it was worry.

“How is she?” he asked. His voice was strangled.

“She’s doing better. Are you banned from school?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Professor Lunesta knows Andrik is a piece of shit. She let me off easy with a warning. I’ll be back in class next week.”

“What’d he get?” I asked, desiring some justice.

“Lunesta is going to try to get him kicked out on attempted rape charges, but it’s not going to work,” Stefan said. “Eli’s king now, so he’ll make sure his buddy doesn’t face any consequences.”

“Forget about him,” Ethan said. “You should talk to Delmare. Work things out.”

Stefan’s face cleared. “Does she want to speak to me?”

“Yes. She needs you right now,” I said. “Go!”

Stefan headed to Delmare’s Copyright 2016 - 2024