The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,125

teased, leaning forward and giving a wink.

“Like shit, thank you, but we’re not talking about me and her right now,” Stefan said. “Nice try.”

I frowned. “I don’t know what you want me to do. I’m backed into a corner, here.”

“You can’t keep being scared of Gabby,” Stefan hissed. “She’s going to do whatever she wants regardless of whether you obey her or not. She’s got Ethan marked for death, she’s just holding off because you’re willing to play her games. Any promise she can make to you isn’t one she’s gonna keep, Em.”

I knew Stefan was right. I threw my pencil down in frustration and said, “What would you do, then?”

“You need to tell Ethan you know he’s the Phantom, and that you’re the White Rose,” Stefan said. “If you don’t, I will.”

“You can’t,” I moaned. “It’s too dangerous.”

“What’s dangerous is to have a wedge between you and your mate.” Stefan’s tone was so certain. He grabbed my arm and squeezed it as he said, “I know you haven’t been in this society long, so it’s hard for you to understand. But there shouldn’t be secrets between mates. It kills relationships.”

“I’m bonded. I know how that feels.”

“But you don’t know the rules.” Stefan frowned sadly. “Ethan does. And to be honest— that he’s keeping this from you for so long is kind of pissing me off. I want to see you guys happy. You both deserve it. And you can’t be as long as you’re hiding things from each other.”

Warmth ran throughout my chest. Stefan really did care about us. I wanted to say something back, thank him for his kindness. But before I could, a scream erupted from outside the library.

It was coming from the hall. That sounded like Delmare!

Stefan was on his feet before I was. He raced out of the library. I left my stuff behind and followed him, running at top speed.

My stomach plummeted when I saw what was happening. Andrik had Delmare pinned against the wall. He’d wrenched an arm behind her back and was pulling up the back of her skirt uniform. He had ripped open her shirt, exposing her down the front. When she cried again for help, Andrik fisted a hand in her hair and yanked it hard. Delmare struggled as much as she could to get away, but Andrik was too strong. Tears flowed down her cheeks as Andrik forced himself against her.

Magic grew in my palms and swelled out of me as I lost control. Andrik was a dead man. I was going to make him wish he was never born.

I didn’t get a chance, because Stefan lost. His. Shit. He ran toward Andrik and pulled him off of Delmare, sending him flying twelve feet. Andrik smashed against the stone wall with so much force, bits of rubble came crumbling off.

Stefan pounced before Andrik could rise, and began beating the crap out of him. I heard bones in Andrik’s face crack as Stefan pummeled Andrik until his face was bloody.

Okay, so he had that handled. I rushed to Delmare. She was still crying. The front of her shirt was so badly ripped I couldn’t fix it.

“Here.” I yanked my sweater over my head. I had a button-up underneath it, but I would’ve exposed my tits for the whole world to see. I just didn’t care— I wanted Delmare to stop crying. She put the sweater on and wrapped her arms around herself, her mouth dropping open in horror as she watched Stefan destroy Andrik.

There was blood all over the floor. Literal puddles had formed around Stefan’s feet. Andrik was unrecognizable, his face a bloody mess. Stefan’s hands were stained with red, a color that matched his eyes as he thirsted for Andrik’s death.

I always knew shifters were protective of their Marked, but I’d never seen such violence this close up. A shiver ran over my body as Stefan leaned in and seethed, “I’m going to kill you.”

And he would. He’d do it, that I had no doubt of. Stefan put his hands around Andrik’s neck to strangle him. Miracle upon miracles, that’s when Ethan happened to walk by.

“Stefan!” Ethan cried. He ran forward and tried to yank Stefan off of Andrik. Stefan was so murderous he threw Ethan off with one arm and continued his rampage. He was so enraged not even Ethan could pull him back.

Andrik was one of Elijah’s inner circle. If Stefan killed him, there’d be hell to pay. I wanted the bastard to die, but not Copyright 2016 - 2024