The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,123

out in pain.

“I’m the prince, aren’t I? You’re my mate,” Ethan floundered out as he cradled me close. “We have to get you to the hospital wing. You’re losing so much blood.”

Ethan carried me into the school, but I passed out as we headed through the double doors. So many eyes were on us as I faded into blackness, and my final thought was a prayer to Milonna that the ruse had worked.

I didn’t wake up again until sometime later— my uniform had been removed, and I was wearing a thin hospital gown. I could feel my shoulder had been bandaged, and it was too sore to move.

Ethan was at my bedside, holding my hand. As I stirred, he brought my hand up to his mouth, kissing it lightly. “My gods, Emma. You scared me.”

There were tears beading his eyes. I regretted causing him so much hurt, but it was to save him from Gabby. I’d do anything to protect him from that wicked witch.

“I didn’t stab myself, you know,” I groaned.

Ethan’s eyes darkened. He squeezed my hand and said, “The White Rose works for the Black Claw. They must consider me one of their enemies. That blade was meant for me, and I gladly would’ve taken it.”

“Don’t say that.” I winced and tried to sit up— Ethan helped me, lifting me upward and placing me on top of the pillows carefully. I felt like such a tiny doll in his arms.

“What was that earlier about coming clean?” I asked. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to be sure.

Ethan shook his head. “It’s stupid, Emma. Don’t bother.”

My body relaxed. I’d convinced him. He thought the White Rose was someone else. My plan had worked.

“You wanted to tell me something,” Ethan began. “What was it?”

My mouth was dry. I cleared my throat, and Ethan noticed. He had a cup of water waiting for me on the bedside table— he tilted it upward when it got to my dry lips, and I took a grateful sip.

As he drew the cup away, I said, “I’m worried about you, Ethan.”

He frowned. “Don’t worry about me. You’re the one who got attacked.”

I shook my head. “No. You have enemies. A lot of them. And I’m terrified one day, you’ll mess with the wrong person and permanently get hurt.”

He glanced away guiltily. My throat burned as I choked out the next words. “And I don’t want to live without my mate.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He rubbed my arm affectionately, honesty in his gaze. “I’ll be careful, Emma. I promise.”

“It’s not enough!” I insisted. “You’ve changed since Eli won the throne, and the closer you get to him, the more danger you’re in. You have to vow you won’t keep messing with things that could get you hurt. I couldn’t stand it if—”

Ethan shushed me. “All right,” he agreed. “I won’t do anything to put myself in danger. I swear to you.”

I settled then... though I didn’t know how honest Ethan was being. I just wanted him to be safe, even if Malovia would be at risk because of it. The fact of the matter was, I couldn’t lose him. I loved Ethan, and if anything happened to him, I’d be lost.

Though perhaps he’d keep his promise. If the White Rose couldn’t stop Ethan from playing vigilante, maybe Emma could.

Delmare had done a good job. The cut was thin, so it only required a few stitches. It’d heal up pretty quickly. I was back on my feet the next day, and given the week off practice by Lady Magdalina. An alert had been put out on campus to keep an eye out for the White Rose, and extra security had been placed around the school. Delmare got away with it, and my secret identity was safe. Besides the articles in the paper about the White Rose attempting to assassinate the mate of the prince, there was no harm done.

Ethan, though, acted like I’d been gutted. He hardly spoke, except to reassure me that I wouldn’t be attacked again. He never left my side, stalking around as a wolven to warn people off with a growl if they got too close. His eyes had a burning smolder in them which longed to find the person who’d hurt me and chew them to pieces.

The next time he saw me as the White Rose, he’d try to kill me. I was certain of it. I didn’t know if I’d solved a problem or made everything worse.

Unless Ethan kept his word, Copyright 2016 - 2024