The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,113

a huge smile on her face, and her eyes gleamed happily, though I caught a hint of hesitation within them. She twirled and jumped with all the precise movements of an expert ballerina, each move poised and perfect.

Watching Odette dance was like observing a cloud floating across the sky. She seemed so light and airy. I could tell this is what she aspired to do. Performing was her true love. As she dipped and spun, I caught jealous gazes from the other dancers as they fluttered across the stage. All of them were good, but Odette’s dancing put her on a pedestal high above the rest. She was born to be onstage.

The music changed, and the theme from Romeo and Juliet played dramatically through the theater by the beauty of the string quartet. My breath caught, and Ethan noticed. He leaned in and whispered, “Something you like?”

“I’ve always loved A Time for Us,” I replied. “It’s one of my favorite songs.”

Ethan smiled and squeezed my hand. “Well, maybe it can be our song.”

I liked that. I liked that a lot. And perhaps it fit— Ethan and I, the two star crossed lovers, the prince and the peasant girl. We shouldn’t be together; we were expected to stay apart due to the rules dictated by class and proper society, and yet here we were.

As Theo and Odette danced, I found myself swooning. You could literally feel the connection as they moved fluidly, playing the part of the forbidden lovers. They were practically the same person as Odette moved in Theo’s arms, spinning and leaping as one.

How could Odette not believe that Theo was her mate? It was obvious for the whole world to see as they worked together in unison on something they both adored. They loved to dance, and what was more, they loved to dance together. They had a deep soul connection that went beyond the realm of being partners. Why couldn’t Odette recognize what was meant to be?

Odette made it flawlessly through the first act. But as we came back from intermission, something changed. Her face was ashen, despite being plastered with stage makeup, and her pirouettes weren’t as perfect as before. Odette’s steps never faltered, but I watched her chest rise and fall rapidly as she tried to keep up with the music.

Theo kept a smile plastered on for the audience, but by the crinkles at the edges of his eyes, I could tell he was worried. Odette went out for a solo dance, and jumped so close to the edge of the stage she almost fell in the orchestra pit. The crowd gasped, but Odette played it off like she was meant to do it, and they clapped in response. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and they glistened in the stage lights.

I don’t think she’d eaten today. She seemed weak. The small span of her waist seemed blatant to me as I watched her twirl. Odette, please hold on.

The defining moment came near the end of the second act. Theo pushed Odette into the air, performing an intricate lift. Odette held her position for a moment, appearing the perfect ballerina—

Before her eyes rolled back and her head went to the side.

I grabbed Ethan’s hand beside me. We stared on in shock as Odette slumped, falling to the floor. The audience made sounds of despair. I squeezed Ethan’s hand again, but thankfully, Theo caught her. He fell onto his side, cradling Odette so she didn’t hurt herself. He took the fall for her in a landing that resulted in a loud thud that echoed throughout the auditorium.

Odette had fainted. Her eyes remained closed as Theo cradled her close, shaking her and trying to get her to wake up. The orchestra stopped playing, and the audience began to make noise.

I didn’t care about the ballet. I jumped up from my seat and ran around the orchestra, pulling myself on stage. The crowd gave scandalized cries of outrage as they saw me dash for Odette. The red curtains were closed, but I pushed past them and slid onto my knees next to Theo.

Theo gently slapped Odette’s face. “My dear, you have to wake up,” he whispered. He sounded near tears.

Odette was slowly coming around. I pulled her onto my lap, and Theo let me. Her eyes fluttered weakly as she awakened. Her body felt like nothing but bones upon my legs.

“We need to get you to the hospital,” I said. I gave a helpless glance to Theo Copyright 2016 - 2024