The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,109

“I just need some fresh air. Excuse me.” Delmare picked up her skirts and ran out. Stefan frowned. It looked like he wanted to go after her, until Ethan shook his head, telling him to stay put.

“I’ll check on her,” I added. I stood up from the table. The Slaskys started up a conversation about the current hockey season with Ethan as I followed Delmare out.

I found Delmare on a balcony overlooking the mountain range. It was beautiful. The red sun came down and cloaked Malovia below in a lovely hue of orange. The cool mountain air brushed against my skin in a whisper. It felt refreshing after being in that stifling, stuffy cave.

Delmare rubbed her arms. I put a hand on my hip and cocked it out. “Okay, they like you. What’s the issue?”

“That’s a problem. I’m not a high-born,” she protested. “I’d thought they’d want Stefan to be with someone of their own station.”

“But they don’t care about your social class. That’s a good thing,” I insisted. “They just want their son to be happy.”

“They’re too perfect. There’s gotta be a catch.”

“You’re being too negative.” I scowled. “I know it’s different from how you were brought up—”

“That’s an understatement. I’m a fish out of water,” Delmare said. “I pretty much grew up in poverty, and Stefan owns a fucking palace. Our two kinds don’t mix.”

“I know you don’t believe in that garbage. You’re starting to sound like the Circle.” And I didn’t like it. Not one bit. This wasn’t the Delmare I knew, to concede to classist bullshit. She protested and fought against things like this. Why was this situation any different?

“I’ve just taken care of myself all my life. I was a latch-key kid. I’m not used to being pampered,” she argued.

“So why turn it down now?” I asked. “Stefan wants to take care of you. Let him.”

“I don’t want to be kept,” Delmare said. “I’m a woman, not a godsdamn show horse.”

I sighed. She was being so dramatic. “Hey, look at the bright side. If you marry him, you’ll never have to cook again.”

Delmare’s mouth opened in outrage, before her expression became thoughtful. “You know, that’s actually a plus.”

“I would say.” We got hungry at midnight the other day and Delmare had tried to make us grilled cheeses in the dormitory kitchens. They were burnt black. I’d had a stomach ache all night. Because of a cheese sandwich. She definitely needed servants to do the cooking for her.

Delmare chewed on her fingernails. “I came here expecting to be judged, but that’s not happening. I don’t know what to think of it.”

“You honestly couldn’t have ended up in a better position,” I said. “His dad’s a professional painter. He’s an art curator, for gods’ sake! He could help you with your career! You could learn from him personally.”

“I don’t want to be with Stefan because his dad has connections.”

I rolled my eyes. “You wouldn’t be! Gods, Mare.”

“I want to make my own way. Prove that I deserve to be an artist, instead of relying on my boyfriend to get me places,” she said.

I smiled. “You called him your boyfriend.”

Delmare face-palmed. “He’s not, okay? Let’s just get back to the party.”

“Mare.” I grabbed her arm. “Just give him a chance. He wouldn’t have brought you here if you weren’t important to him.”

“Why are you being so pushy?” Her eyes narrowed.

“Because I know you. If I didn’t think you had an interest in Stefan, I wouldn’t be on your ass to make a decision about him.” I frowned. “But I know you’re turning him down because of your own insecurities, not because you don’t have feelings. I know you want to protect yourself, but you’re being paranoid. You can be happy on your own, but I think you’re lying about what you really want.”

Delmare bit her lip. “I’ll think about it. Come on. We don’t want to be missed.”

By the time we returned, dessert had been served— ice cream with chocolate fried bonbons. I died of happiness.

“You’re all welcome to stay the night,” Miroslava offered as dinner ended. “We have plenty of room.”

“Thank you for the offer, but Emma and I had best be on our way,” Ethan said.

“I would, but Delmare has to finish a project early tomorrow for an exhibition,” Stefan said. “I should get her back.”

“An exhibition?” Jonathan asked in interest.

Delmare blushed. “My class is having an art show in one of the ballrooms at the university,” she said. “I... have my own display.”

“That’s wonderful! I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024