The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,107

on the cheek, which he returned. “We haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ve been busy, Mom,” Ethan said, and I felt a spurt of surprise. I was so glad that Ethan knew these people— well enough to consider them parents. I knew he and Stefan grew up together, but I was surprised they were this warm with each other.

The man gave a hearty laugh. “Busy with your new mate, I see,” he said as he took Ethan into a manly embrace, clapping him on the back. “We all know boys get distracted when they bond.”

Ethan slightly blushed, and the woman slapped her husband on the shoulder. “Be polite, Jonathan. We have a guest.”

Ethan grinned broadly. “Emma, I’d like to introduce you to Jonathan and Miroslava Slasky, two of the best Arcanea I know.”

“Welcome to our home,” Miroslava said kindly, and she took my hands in hers. “As Ethan’s mate, you have a place of honor here. We are glad to finally meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” I responded in relief. I appreciated they didn’t bring up my shunning. It felt good to be treated normal around here, for once. I’d half been expecting a lecture when I arrived about what had happened in the Contest.

“Stefan and Irena are already in the dining room. Come.” Miroslava led the way down the long hall. As we proceeded into the depths of the mountain, it got dark, lit only by the sconces lining the walls. The mansion was perfectly homey for a dragon who wanted to curl up inside their lair, but as a wolven, I would’ve preferred more windows for moonlight to slip through. This place was just too dark.

We entered into a beautiful dining hall. A long wooden table surrounded by velvet chairs was at its center, while a harpist played in the corner. The table was before a large hearth, which blazed with a warm and robust fire. Light illusions hovered overhead, the orbs intermingling against the gorgeous painting that covered the ceiling, like the Sistine Chapel. The portrait was a design of horses and stags in a field, while couples clung tightly to each other against the rising sun.

Stefan and Delmare were sitting down. It was still weird to see him in a suit. He sat beside Delmare, who’d chosen a black ball gown for the night’s dinner. She bounced in her seat, as if nervous.

I didn’t care what Delmare said. She’d dressed up to impress them. I took a seat next to her, and she gave me a grateful smile.

“Well damn, it’s about time you showed up.” Stefan rubbed his stomach. “I’m half-starved.”

“Oh, I’m sure,” Ethan teased as he sat beside me. “You look it.”

Stefan got up and put Ethan in a headlock. The two of them wrestled for a moment before Miroslava said, “Boys, manners.”

Stefan let Ethan go, though Ethan biffed him on the side of the head before he did. They almost went at it again, though a stern look from Miroslava made them stop.

“My sons can be a handful when they’re together,” Jonathan said with a sigh. “They’ve always been rambunctious.”

Jonathan caught my inquisitive eye and said, “King Lycus and I were very close. Ethan might not be of my blood, but I consider him my son, as I know Lycus considered Stefan his.”

“I am very much the same,” Miroslava said. Though her lips pursed as she added, “I wish Antonia felt as we do.”

Ethan frowned for a moment. Stefan let out a small laugh. “The queen doesn’t like me.” Stefan wiggled his eyebrows. “Thinks I’m too brash.”

“The queen doesn’t like anyone,” I said, before I could stop myself. I reddened, realizing I’d embarrassed myself.

But Miroslava smiled, and Jonathan broke into a hearty chuckle. “I daresay she doesn’t. She’s a hard one to please. Ethan would agree.”

Ethan’s mouth twitched. “Unfortunately.”

Delmare was being quiet. She was observing the situation, as if feeling Stefan’s parents out. Servants came by with plates of food, placing them in front of us. Shouldn’t be surprised the main course was prime rib, seeing as how we were in a house full of dragons.

Stefan and Ethan wolfed down their meals, though I was more cautious. I took careful bites, savoring the delicious meal.

Delmare was barely eating. She almost looked green. I reached down to squeeze her hand under the table, and she squeezed it back.

“So, Irena, what are you studying in school?” Miroslava asked kindly, to make conversation.

Delmare swallowed before responding in a small voice, “I’m an art major.”

“An art major!” Jonathan Copyright 2016 - 2024