In a Dragon’s Dream by Riley Storm Page 0,3


What is it you have to hide? Rakell hadn’t expected such a vigorous protest against his suggestion. In fact, he’d thought she might accept it quickly and easily. A few days of ensuring she was safe, and then everything would be settled. He could handle that.

“Nonetheless, I volunteer anyway,” he said. “If it will help ease your transition back to a normal life, then I see no harm. I’ll begin right away.”

“Absolutely not!” Laura yelped. “No way. I don’t need a tall, tanned and handsome bodyguard following me around like some hulking brute.”

“I’m not a brute,” he grumbled, though he was intrigued to hear that she thought he was handsome. That made him feel happier than he’d expected.

“You know what I meant,” Laura said, exasperated. “You’re going to scare away all my clients if you just walk a pace behind me, glaring at everyone all the time, thinking that they’re threats. Either that or you’re going to distract them from doing business.”

“You will adapt,” he said confidently, glad to have found a way to repay the dragons’ debt to her.

“I’ll what?” she moaned, burying her face in her hands. “No, no, no, no. This isn’t happening. Rakell, listen to me. You are not going to be my bodyguard. No way.”

One of the machines began to beep slightly as Laura grew more worked up.

“I think it will be for the best,” he said, giving her a broad smile.

The machine ratcheted up its beeps a bit more. They were coming faster now. A light began to blink. Rakell paid it no mind. He had made his decision, and for the forthcoming future, would find himself in Laura’s presence at all times.

His other line of thought, was that perhaps this would give him some insight into just how she’d come upon the knowledge of dragons in the first place. It was no wild guess she’d made, Laura was sure that they were real.

“This is ridiculous!” Laura yelped. “I’m just a real estate agent. A nobody. I got caught up by accident in what was going on, I didn’t actually have anything to do with it!” she moaned. “You don’t need to do this.”

“I know,” Rakell said, flashing her a bigger grin, hoping it would relax her.

The monitor beeped faster.

“But I want to.”

The light flashed.

A nurse came in, took one look at the situation, the monitor, and then pointed at Rakell. “You need to wait outside,” she said sternly.

“Of course,” he said politely. This was the nurse’s territory, he would respect that. “I’ll be right outside until you’re ready to leave.” He grinned at Laura and gave her a wink.

The monitor beeped even faster.

Rakell walked outside of the cordoned off room and took up a post near the door. Laura had been sarcastic, but he was going to take his job seriously. When a dragon came to make things right, they didn’t half-ass it.

He would protect her with his life.

Chapter Three


He’d been there all night.

The curtains blocked her from actually seeing him, but she knew he was there. The nurse was always talking to him. For some reason the woman had had zero issues with accepting his role as Laura’s bodyguard. Every time she bustled in, she told Rakell what she was doing, what she was checking, leaving Laura feeling more like a science experiment than anything.

Tapping fingers on her thigh, Laura contemplated his reaction to her comment the night before. Or lack thereof. The poker face on Rakell was incredible as he denied any knowledge of the dragons. Laura wasn’t going to be beaten that easily however, she was determined to prove what he really was.

I just want to see one. Without spying on them and invading their privacy.

But Rakell so far had proved to be a hard nut to crack. All she had to go on, was his distinct lack of reaction. No incredulity, no calling her out of her mind. Rakell had been too good, and that gave him away.

I think. I could be wrong though. Maybe the journals were embellished.

Laura tapped her fingers faster. No, that didn’t feel right. Rakell had known what she was talking about, she was sure of it. He didn’t seem inclined to reveal anything to her though, which sucked. Laura had spent near two-decades dreaming of the day she might actually see one in the flesh—or scales, as it were.

If he wasn’t going to reveal himself though…


There was a pause, and then two booted feet appeared under the hanging curtain, and a moment later he Copyright 2016 - 2024