In a Dragon’s Dream by Riley Storm Page 0,21

sit out in the waiting area?” Rakell asked, interrupting her train of thought.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m not used to someone being so close like that, without talking or interacting. It’s not normal to me, no matter how much I appreciate your presence.”

Rakell was moving around her desk, but at this he paused and cocked his head.

“I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get rid of you,” she said with a wince. “You know? I just…I need a few more feet of distance most of the time. I have to get this document signed and sent, really. That’s what it is. I have to focus a lot and—”

She cut herself off before she said And you’re a huge distraction, smothering the words and the thought. It wasn’t his fault that she couldn’t concentrate with him around, that her mind kept drifting to him. He wasn’t doing anything to try and distract her. This was all Laura’s fault.

How can I not be distracted? Look at him. Tall, tanned and textbook good looks. That chiseled jawline, and those forearms that peek out from under his dress shirt sometimes? To die for! Then we’re not even getting started on the rest of his body…Mmmmm yes, twist like that, show me how that shirt pulls tight across your chest…

“—bit, if that will help?”

Shaking her head, she focused her attention back on Rakell. Well, on other parts of him. Like his mouth, and his beard-bordered lips. So soft and kissable looking…

Get a grip!

“Sorry, what were you saying?” she asked, yanking her wandering mind back to the present before she allowed herself to go too far down that path.

“I was saying that I’ll go wait out there for a bit then, if that will help you focus on your document.”

“It will, yes,” she said with a sigh of relief. Maybe now she’d be able to go five minutes without losing focus and having to start reading it all again. “Then, when I’m done, maybe we can go for lunch. Get some food. How does that sound?”

Rakell perked up. “I do like to eat.”

“Ditto,” she said with a snicker, patting her waist as proof. “So, I’ll get to it, then we can get at it.”

Oh god. Did that come out how I think it came out?

Laura blinked once. Swallowed around the giant lump in her throat, and abruptly looked down at the papers on her desk, speaking softly to herself as she sorted through them, as if she knew exactly where she was and what she was doing.

Really she was just hoping he would leave. The pages were blurred bits of lettering that made no sense to her mind. She couldn’t read a single word on them.

The sound of the glass door shutting as Rakell wandered out into her waiting area nearly had Laura slumped over in relief. It would have, in fact, if she hadn’t been so stupid as to install glass all around her! The entire little ‘private’ area office she’d created was completely see-through. She would have to maintain her composure perfectly.

Which was growing ever harder to do around him.

Who are you Rakell Teres? she wondered to herself, stealing looks up at him as she began to work for real. What is it about you, that makes me lose my cool?

She was no closer to answering that question when she finally managed to make it through the entire document, meticulously signing the various spots required of any sale offer and acceptance. This time was a little tougher, she had to be a little more precise, but in the end, it was done.

Sitting back in her chair she exhaled, sighing audibly. Now just to scan it. Picking up the sheaf of papers she exited the office, flashing Rakell a tight smile. “Just have to scan this so I can email it,” she said, horrified at how stilted and awkward her speech sounded.

Pull yourself together! He’s just a man. A very, very, attractive man, sitting in your office, yes. But a man nonetheless. He does not control you!

So why was her stomach doing backflips when he smiled at her? Laura couldn’t reconcile the two things with each other. One of them was wrong, and she had a suspicion as to which.

Just have to be strong. Have more willpower.

She glanced up as she hit the start button on the all-in-one machine. It beeped and started to get to work noisily, which is precisely why she kept it out in the main area, not within her office Copyright 2016 - 2024