Draco A Medieval Scottish Roma - Jayne Castel Page 0,9

that William Wallace was a symbol of Scottish hope.

Edward would enjoy seeing the Wallace suffer for his crimes. The man’s death would crush the rebellion.

With Wallace out of the way, Scotland will be mine.

“Thank you for bringing this news to me,” he said finally, meeting Galbraith’s eye. “I will make sure you are amply rewarded.”

Comyn translated for him, and then the smith answered.

“He asks for no silver from you,” Comyn replied, a brittle edge to his voice now. The man’s face had flushed. His blue eyes glittered as he watched Blair Galbraith. “He says that revenge is payment enough.”

Edward favored the blacksmith with a cool smile. “Well then, it appears we have something in common after all.”

“I should head your escort, My Lady.”

“No, Captain … I’d prefer ye remain here at Dunnottar.”

Gavina rose to her feet, her fingers closing around her brother’s missive. He’d arranged their meeting sooner than she’d anticipated. She had to ready herself, for the Strath of Muirskie was nearly a day’s ride from Dunnottar. They would need to leave with tomorrow’s dawn.

Across from her, Cassian was scowling.

“Please ready a party of twenty warriors to accompany me,” she continued. “And while I’m away, ye and Donnan are in charge of the fortress.”

“Aye, but Captain Gaius has a point, My Lady,” the steward spoke up. “Ye should have a personal guard as well for this journey … men who can oversee the discussions.”

Irritation surged within Gavina. Since she’d taken over as laird, the likes of Donnan and Cassian had supported her. But when it came to making more important decisions, they grew nervous of putting their fate in a woman’s hands.

Gavina held the steward’s eye. She’d always liked Donnan, yet the patronizing edge to his voice—his concern that as a woman she was incapable of taking the lead in talks with her brother—rankled.

It was time she regained control of this exchange. Squaring her shoulders, Gavina drew in a deep breath, her gaze shifting across to the window where the Wallace and Vulcan still reclined.

“William … can ye spare some of yer men to join my escort?” she asked. If it made Donnan feel better, she would increase the numbers of her party.

Wallace nodded. “Of course, My Lady.”

“If you wish me to remain at Dunnottar … I would ask you to take two men I name as your protectors,” Cassian interjected here. He wore a stubborn expression now, a look Gavina had already seen in the past.

She inclined her head, her irritation fading a little. It warmed her to know that Cassian was so protective of her. She’d grown up feeling like an encumbrance in a keep full of rowdy, dominant men. And even her own husband hadn’t cared for her well-being. Yet Captain Gaius, a man doomed to continue living for eternity, was doggedly loyal to Dunnottar and those who ruled it. He’d proved his loyalty numerous times over on that perilous flight back to Dunnottar from Stirling.

“Aye, Captain,” she replied finally. “As ye wish … whom did ye have in mind?”

Cassian held her gaze a moment, before he smiled. The captain then jerked his chin toward Maximus Cato and Draco Vulcan. “Those two.”

“Clod-head! Why didn’t you ask me first?”

Draco rounded on Cassian the moment they were outdoors. A warm breeze feathered across the lower ward, bringing with it the briny tang of the sea. However, Draco paid the fair afternoon no mind. He was too busy being angry at his friend.

Irritatingly, Cassian merely smiled back at him. “There was no need … I knew you’d agree.”

“But I’m needed here.”

Maximus, who had just joined them, snorted. “As are we all … however, Cass is right. Lady Gavina needs protecting.”

Draco snarled at Maximus. “Well, why don’t you go on your own then?”

“Two sets of eyes are better than one,” Maximus replied, maddeningly calm. His dark eyes glinted with thinly veiled amusement, which made Draco want to punch him. “Plus, I know how much you enjoy Lady Gavina’s company.”

Draco growled a curse. “I’ve got better things to do than play protector to that woman.”

“No, you don’t,” Cassian replied, a bullish expression settling upon his face. “You might not be part of the Dunnottar Guard, Draco, but the Wallace has sworn to protect this fortress and those who rule it. He’s agreed for you and Max to escort Lady Gavina … and that’s the end of it.”

“Don’t worry,” Maximus cut in, still grinning. “It’ll only be an overnight trip. We won’t be away long.”

“All the same, my time would be better

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