Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,99

is.” Molten anger built up in his chest. How could he end up in the same situation that had sent him home? How could he be here again, trying to save Rae? To get to her before someone killed her?

I love her. God, I love her!

The line remained silent. Liam thought he’d lost his friend. “Kelvin?”

“I’m here. I was going to call you tomorrow with this news. Jack Anders is one of ours.”

“The bodyguard?”



“No. He’s FBI. On a task force. It wasn’t easy to get this intel because he’s deep undercover. My telling you could get him killed. Enzo Astor hired him because he’s afraid for his life. He’s in business with Fox. Maybe been coerced into a money laundering scheme and, as we suspected, some trafficking because of his deceased brother, Simon. It was Enzo’s job to get some stolen money back, but the woman escaped.”

“Wait. A woman escaped? What woman?” Zoey?

“We don’t know.”

“How can any of this help me at this moment?”

“I’m saying that we can all work together and bring Fox down.”

“Okay. Whatever. Please get someone in to get my family out of harm’s way. Once I know they’re safe, then we can go after Fox. I’ll find Rae, but I could need help extracting her.”

“Anything else?” Kelvin’s tone let Liam know he was taking him seriously. That Kelvin was in this with him as if he was still officially DEA.

“I don’t know who else’s cell phones have been compromised, so I won’t trust anyone’s. Please send a message to Heath and Austin to let them know the danger. That a hit has been put out on them—that should scare them. They can take cover. They have skills enough to protect their wives. I’ll need you to get Evelyn out of the house. Leroy and Pete can take her away and protect her. But Fox will be watching me closely. I’ll focus my efforts on finding Rae. And . . . ” Liam’s legs shook.


“A blizzard is headed this way. If you’re going to send reinforcements or backup, you’d better do it now.”

The logistics were a nightmare. In other circumstances, he would bide his time until players were in place, but with Rae missing, Liam couldn’t wait.

He should contact Sheriff Taggart. But he couldn’t be seen with the man at the moment. It was too risky.

“How do you want me to get in touch with you?”

“I’ll get a burner phone. I just didn’t want to rush out of my meeting with Fox to buy a new phone. He’s supposedly monitoring me, and until I find out exactly how and also know my people are safe, I have to appear like I’m cooperating. In the meantime, I’ll text you. No calls. I’ll ask how the fishing is. If it’s good—that means they’re safe.”

“Will do. Hang in there.” Kelvin ended the call.

Liam started a small fire in the cabin to take some of the chill out. This might be his base of operation or a hiding place or safe house, if needed. He didn’t know what the future held.


Saturday, 9:32 p.m.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Liam floored it along the mountain road, the snow driving hard into his headlights.

The satellite phone had run out of power or else he would have tried to contact Reggie. Liam had memorized the man’s number when he’d had the chance. Then Alan’s. Until he got his hands on a cell phone he trusted, he wouldn’t make that call.

If he couldn’t find Rae with Samara Davidson, he would assume that Malcom had her, was holding her. That hadn’t been the deal he’d made with Liam.

He knew Rae wouldn’t deliberately go silent.

Worst case—the absolute worst case—Liam would find Rae with Malcom Fox and face off with him. Liam steered Heath’s truck, speeding forward into the Mountain Valley Adventures empty lot, then he parked and jumped from the truck. Liam rushed to the front doors, kicking snow as he went. Locked. He pounded on the doors, anguish gripping him.

Where are you?

He would try Samara Davidson’s home next. Back in the truck, he yanked the steering wheel and spun out as he drove from the parking lot, then floored it over the slick roads to her home. He parked behind a Jeep. Not Rae’s rental. His heart sank.

He ran up the front porch, rang the bell, and pounded on the door.

A woman opened it, a deep frown carving her face. “Can I help you?”

“My name is Liam McKade. I’m a private investigator working with Rae Burke. Right now, I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024