Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,96

head of security and keep silent about indiscretions you see. There could be times I need you to do more—like tonight. I’ll assign you a task later, to seal the deal. Everyone stays safe as long as you play the game.”

Play by your rules, you mean.


1:54 p.m.

Mountain Valley Adventures

The cowboy powder was just as Ivan had described. Rae thought her heart might explode from the pure joy, the thrill of skiing across pristine deep powder, the glory of the mountains surrounding her, and a bright blue sky belying an approaching blizzard.

Ivan signaled, and everyone stopped as the hill flattened out. “We’ll take the east slope, and at the bottom you’ll see the flags marking the spot. Wait there. The helicopter will pick us up.” He nodded and without another word took off again.

Rae’s legs were beginning to shake. She wasn’t in as good of shape as she’d thought, and this was more skiing than she’d done in years. She slowed down and skied long zigzags across the hills to pace herself.

By the time she got to the flagged area, the others, including Ivan, were already there. The French honeymooners had removed their skis. Ivan had removed his helmet but still wore his reflective goggles. The honeymooners tromped over to hold hands and take selfies with the magnificent landscape behind them.

Rae eyed Ivan. Now was the time. “Tell me about her stalker and why she left home.”

He lifted his face to the sky for a few moments, then leveled it at her. “I’m sorry she felt like she had to leave us. I never would have encouraged her to do that, but her mother wanted her to be safe.”

“And you couldn’t protect her?”

“I tried. I beat the guy. I was charged with battery.” She felt his penetrating gaze, though she couldn’t see it. “The charges were dropped, but his unwanted attention toward Tawny continued.”

He shook his head and gazed off as if remembering.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Unless you’ve been through it, experienced it, you can’t fully understand what it feels like to have someone obsess over you, and then the utter helplessness when there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. Not even the people who love and care about you. All that stuff about how to put an end to stalking didn’t work for us.”

Ivan sounded as if he’d suffered through it with Sam and Zoey.

“So, you and Sam, what’s your relationship?”

“I was her husband’s partner in this business. I promised him I would look out for Tawny and Sam, especially take care of them if anything ever happened. So far, so good, except I failed his little girl. If she returns, like she did in college—Sam shared with me what you told her—things will be different.” He pursed his lips.

Rae had hoped her conversation with Ivan would confirm what she already believed, and it did. Ivan was a good guy. “As for Sam. I’m protective of her, of them both. Like a big brother. I watch over Sam like a hawk.”

“But she’s a grown woman.”

“Big brothers always watch out for their sisters.”

“But it’s obvious you feel something much different for her.”

“Now you overstep.” He grinned—a charmer. Someone accustomed to making people feel comfortable no matter the circumstances.

The honeymooners approached, and Rae couldn’t ask more questions. She hadn’t learned anything that would help. No new clues. She hoped Liam was making more progress.

The whop whop whop of the helicopter drew their attention. In the distance, storm clouds gathered.

“Just in time,” Ivan said. “We’ll get back in time for everyone to get home and grab a warm bowl of chili before the weather turns.”

Rae’s stomach rumbled at the mention of food. Ivan chuckled and tossed her a protein bar from his pack. She glanced out over the mountains. “Thank you for bringing me to the same place where Zoey skied.”

Ivan had stepped up next to her. “Yes. She loved it here. I hope you got a better sense of the person she is by coming today.”

Rae nodded. This was too much to absorb in one afternoon. “I’m getting there. Have you talked to her since she left?”

But the helicopter and rotor wash drowned out her words.

When it landed, everyone loaded their gear and climbed in. Rae downed the protein bar while she watched the scenery below as the helicopter flew them over rivers and valleys and majestic mountains. Ivan sat up front laughing and making small talk with Wayne. She coughed a few times, and Wayne tossed a bottled water to Ivan, Copyright 2016 - 2024