Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,92

see this through, so she had waited until she got here to text Liam about her plans. She didn’t need him standing in her way.

As the minutes ticked on, she grew concerned that Sam wouldn’t show up. Ivan and another big guy—one of the other guides?—emerged from a hallway. The other guy headed outside, and Ivan angled for their group. His big shoulders appeared even broader in his ski jacket. He introduced himself to the couple and welcomed Rae. She wanted to ask about Sam, but he continued on to a well-rehearsed spiel that he’d probably given thousands of times but somehow made sound fresh and exciting. The thrill of anticipation filled the room as he spoke.

Had Zoey given this same spiel—back when she’d gone by Tawny? Rae tried to picture that as she listened to Ivan and, through the panoramic window, watched the other guy get into the helicopter. The pilot. If Rae were here in the area only to write her travel article, she had plenty of fascinating fodder from which to choose. But Rae was fact finding.

“Cowboy powder,” Ivan continued. “It’s all about the light, dry stuff. Fresh powder. You’re privileged skiers since the government limits those who will ski the Snake River Range in Wyoming. Your tour today is exclusive and private.”

Sam quietly stepped up behind Rae and whispered, “Sorry I’m late.”

Rae urged her aside so they could talk without interrupting Ivan’s pitch.

“I don’t usually celebrate when someone cancels on us,” Sam said, “but this was fortuitous. Now you can see what we do. What Tawny was involved in. You wanted to know her better. Maybe this will help.”

Rae nodded. Seeing the men Zoey worked with in action could shed light too.

“You told me that she worked more on the business side and was into computers.”

Sam nodded. “But she also knew how to take a group onto the slopes.”

Sam’s words sounded like she was holding out hope in the face of grief that threatened to overtake her.

Rae was too. She had a feeling in her gut that she would learn something substantial today. They would be together for hours, so Rae would have the chance to ask Sam about those books. And if she snagged a few moments alone with Ivan, then she could possibly get information that he might not otherwise share in Sam’s presence. She might learn something more from Ivan in this environment where he was most comfortable. She’d found that to be the case when she was searching for hidden truths. Secrets. People kept their guard up, but Rae had learned how to help them drop it, if only enough for her to see inside.

“I need to talk to you about the books.”

Sam nodded, then eyed the couple. Ivan was wrapping up and urging them outside. “Okay. We’ll make time today.”

A text came through from Liam. She’d planned to text him before getting on the helicopter.

Are you okay?

She could sense his frustration even though it was only a text. She quickly replied.

I’m with Sam and Ivan and a couple of tourists. You work your end, I’ll work mine. I’ll be fine. I promise.

This wasn’t our plan. I don’t like it.

The sooner we find Zoey, the better. I have to go. I’ll be safe with Sam and Ivan.

Relieved that she’d heard from Liam, Rae followed the group and fidgeted with her poles. A whole day spent in the mountains, away from civilization, sent a terrifying thrill through her.

Big snowflakes came down hard and fast and beautiful. Sometime in the next twenty-four hours, the weather would shift. A blizzard was coming. She imagined that people were crowding the slopes at the various ski resorts to get in as much ski time as possible before the storm shut them down.

Some people would head back home. Others would hunker down and stay in the resort. Once that blizzard hit, they would all be grounded for a while.

Together, Sam and Rae hiked out to the helipad. All skiers had already donned their helmets that included communications—a Mountain Valley Adventures requirement. A gust of wind slammed her cheeks. This would be nothing compared to the wind and snow on the mountain. Heart pounding, she waited for her turn to climb into the helicopter. Headset on, the pilot focused on his dashboard. Someone had taped a couple of photographs up near the controls.

“This is Wayne ‘Powder Keg’ Jaeger,” Ivan said, his voice coming through loud and clear via the helmet. “He’s piloted for us for fifteen years.” He clapped Copyright 2016 - 2024