Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,87

mother would be, Sam is grieving.” Rae shut her eyes. “God, please let someone find her, preferably alive and well.”

He watched Rae. Beautiful, ambitious, determined, and fearless. He lifted a hand, wanting to reach across the short distance to touch her cheek, her hand, anything, but he dropped it before he made contact. Someone important to her was out there.



He didn’t know. But the deeper they got into this, the stranger it became. Fear shot through him—the fear that he wouldn’t be there to save her this time.

“We need to stick together,” he said. “If you’re thinking of pursuing other leads without me like you did today, maybe I should call Brad and tell him it’s off for now.”

“I’ll be careful, Liam. This isn’t my first . . . um . . . rodeo. You know?”

“I do know.” Her last “rodeo” nearly killed them both. If none of that had happened, where would both of them be now? Would he still be working for the DEA? Doubtful. Would she still be unearthing injustices to prove she was worthy to a father who was no longer in this world?

Would Liam and Rae be together? He had no business thinking about that. None.

Rae stared at her phone. “I texted my brother to tell him I found those same books at Sam’s home. I hope he can figure out why they were so important to Zoey and if they mean anything in all this.”

Liam wasn’t sure the books had any significance. “My mom read a lot of novels. The shelves were stuffed with old paperbacks. They all burned in the fire.”

“What are you saying, Liam?”

“She shared them with friends. Got them at yard sales. But I would never say they were important to her. So what if Zoey liked that author and his books? So what if her mother had some too? Getting that novel in the mail might not mean anything.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “Listen, I don’t know, but I don’t want you to hold out hope that this is the clue to save the day.” He opened his eyes to find her staring at him. He hadn’t meant to strip her of her hope that she would find answers in the novels.

Liam swiped a hand down his face.

“I’ll be back,” she said. “Evelyn said dinner will be ready soon. I’ll see you then.”


Rae headed for her room, and Liam got up and peered through the front window. For once he could be grateful for the treacherous roads leading to the ranch, more so in the winter. Heath had made progress on improving the drive up because he wanted to open the ranch for business next winter, but he hadn’t made that much progress. Rae wouldn’t be in danger here. He didn’t believe anyone would want to hassle with that drive. No one would make the hike through the deep snow of the Gros Ventre Wilderness to get to her. He was relieved that no one had tried anything this afternoon.

Maybe Astor had left and taken the danger to Rae with him. At least Liam could relax for a few moments.

He made his way to the kitchen, following the heavenly aroma that filled the house. Evelyn must have been cooking a stew. She stepped from the walk-in pantry. “Liam. Thought I heard you come in. I hope you’re hungry.”

“Sure am.”

Evelyn smiled.

“How was your date last night?” he asked.

She chuckled and waved him off. “Let’s just say I won’t be taking Leroy with me next week when we go to dinner in town.”

“Oh, that smells amazing.” Rae entered the kitchen.

“You have a seat.” Evelyn gestured to the counter. She seemed happy in the kitchen, and Liam was glad for it.

Hands thrust into his pockets, he leaned near Rae. “Get some grub while I find Pete and Leroy to see how everything is going here. I’m supposed to supervise while Heath is gone.” He hadn’t exactly had a lot to report when Heath had called because he’d been preoccupied with Rae and left the ranch to run itself—with Pete’s and Leroy’s help, of course.

Rae’s eyes were a soft blue tonight and pinned him. “And you took two other jobs? Helping me investigate and working security at the resort? Liam, what are you thinking?” Her smile twisted.

His gaze stayed on her lips longer than it should have, but he liked her smile. The way she’d teased him. “I’m some kind of crazy.”

Hadn’t he prayed for doors to open? The trouble was that Copyright 2016 - 2024