Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,85

communicate. It was too painful. She had to get a life of her own and live it, so she claimed. I had the distinct impression she wanted to protect me. But who do I need protection from? She claimed that any communication could . . .”

“Any communication could what?”

“Tip off her stalker. He had resources. I know it’s hard to understand from the outside looking in, but I finally came to believe that her decision was for the best. The only way. Or rather, I accepted it.”

“But he’s dead now.”

“I only just learned that. And Zoey was already missing.”

“Do you think her disappearance is related to Simon Astor, or his death?” Rae asked.

“I had hoped not.”

What else could Sam know that she was not sharing? “How could they be related?”

“I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”

It was Rae’s turn to get up. She peeked out the mini blinds. A small credenza edged the window. Pictures. Sam and Zoey as a teenager. Smiling with the group of heli-ski guides. One guide in particular stood with Sam and Zoey. Rae could look into that later. She walked the room, browsing the photographs. Those not of family were of the thrill-seeking skier nature—pristine snow-covered mountains. Rae stopped at the bookshelf.

She found what she’d been searching for and tugged a Zane Williams novel, one of several, from the shelf.

“Why were you sending these books to Zoey?”

Apprehension surfaced in Sam’s eyes. Before she could reply, the front door opened and slammed.

“Sam?” A man’s voice boomed through the house.

The woman eyed Rae and gave a subtle shake of her head. She wouldn’t discuss the books in front of him? “In here.”

The man in the picture with Sam and Zoey entered the sitting room. He spotted Rae. His frown was quickly replaced with a smile.

Rae extended her hand and introduced herself but was careful, given Sam’s subtle warning.

“Ivan Anatole.” His grip was strong. “Sam tells me you’re looking for Tawny.”


“You’re a reporter and you think you can help the police?” His brows furrowed.

Rae shrugged. “My brother asked me to help, but even if he hadn’t, I would be here now.”

“Why do you think she’s in Jackson Hole?”

“It’s complicated.” Still, she explained in general terms why she was there, but she left out that she had also been targeted. “I see you’re in photographs with Zoey. I mean . . . Tawny.”

“I’ve been in her life since she was born, that is, until she left. Her father died, so I tried to be there as much as I could. Others on our team helped as well.” He winked at Sam.

“Ivan taught Zoey how to ski,” Sam said. “He mentored her in guiding our clients on the slopes where we’d drop them.”

Devotion glimmered in his eyes. “She was an expert skier. I always thought she should have gone for the Olympics. But she had other interests.”

“And skiing with our clients, one of them, took her away from us.” Sam stared off into the distance.

Rae had never known this side of Zoey. “I wish I could somehow know and understand her better. Maybe I could take one of those heli-skiing tours. Ski the same places.” Was Rae trying too hard? Truly understanding another was often vital in her search for the truth. But could it make a difference this time?

“I wish you could too, but we’re booked for months out.” Ivan frowned. “Tawny will be found, and when she is, make her take you and show you her life before . . .”

Rae suspected he didn’t want to mention Simon’s name. “I’ll do that. You’re right, we’re going to find her.”

Rae appreciated the hope Ivan expressed, though maybe he was forcing it.

Ivan watched Sam, adoration along with concern in his expression. Then he turned his attention to Rae. “What else do you want to know?”

“Anything that can help me figure out what happened.”

He sat next to Sam and put his beefy arm around her. “Sam and I have called friends. We’ve called everyone we know to find out if they have seen Tawny. I have a friend who has access to facial recognition software, and he’s been searching too.”

“That’s good to know.”

“I’m glad you’re looking into this.” He frowned and checked his watch. “But I have to get back now.” He kissed the side of Sam’s head, concern for her almost hiding the pain in his eyes. “Got to go, babe. Just wanted to see how you’re holding up. I’m glad you have company.”

He popped up from the sofa and Copyright 2016 - 2024