Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,62

Sam to call her back or should she try calling? Rae glanced in the passenger-side mirror.

“Liam, I think there’s a truck coming up on us way too fast. Is it me, or is there a problem?”

“I see it.”

Liam accelerated.

Rae’s pulse skyrocketed with the increased speed on the treacherous road. In some places, huge snow berms blocked them in on both sides, but in other places the berms had fallen away. Spilling down the mountain? Those spots terrified her. Rae pressed her feet to the floorboard as if she could slow them down or prevent them from descending the jagged-edged drop on the side of the mountain.

Please let me be wrong. Please let me be wrong.

The plow attached to the grill of the enormous vehicle grew large in the mirror. She braced herself and with the impact, a scream erupted.


Liam’s truck lurched forward.

This could not be happening.

His heart hammered.

Instinct took over, and he pressed the accelerator. His laser focus zeroed in on the curvy mountain road ahead of him.

Could he make those turns at this speed? Reason warred with instinct. Liam gripped the wheel, tension cording his neck.

The curvy, two-lane mountain road was treacherous on a good day, even without a thin layer of ice beneath the snow.

The Hummer sped up. It could have a more powerful engine. Liam’s one advantage—the Hummer was a slower, heavier vehicle. With the current road conditions, that advantage might not matter.

Liam skidded over into the wrong lane, then swerved back into the right lane. The driver’s intention was clear—to cause death.

Liam couldn’t let that happen.

“That thing is big, Liam. You can’t fight that. What are we going to do?”

“It’s slower. We’re coming up on a rise. I can pick up speed and put more distance between us.”

Maybe he could beat them at their own game. He floored it. Except he had to slow down on that switchback coming up or he’d never make it. Forcing Liam to increase speed and then lose control could be the pursuer’s strategy.

He ground his molars and slowed the truck. Speed limit signs warned to take the curve at fifteen miles per hour.

In the rearview mirror, he watched the Hummer close the distance. Much too soon it would catch up to them. As he slowed to take the curve, he mentally willed his tires to grip the snow and ice and stay on the road. As he steered into the curve, he leaned to the right with the momentum.

Come on, come on, come on.

The vehicle straightened out and he punched it again.

“Phew. We made it.” Rae’s voice shook.

“We’re not out of the woods yet. Call 911. Tell them what’s happening.”

“I’m on it!”

While Rae made the emergency call, Liam sped up and almost left the Hummer behind.

“Hello? Yes. I have an emergency. Someone is trying to push us off the road. Please help!”

Rae sighed, then sat silently. “Wait. Could you repeat that? You faded out . . . Uh-huh? I don’t know where we are. Just a second. I’m putting the phone on speaker. Liam . . .”

Liam relayed their general location along the highway.

The connection went silent.

Eyes wide with fear, Rae glanced at him. “Hello? Hello? I think I lost the call. Can you believe it? Maybe they got what they needed to help us. I’ll try to call them back when I get a signal again.”

But law enforcement—Wyoming Highway Patrol or the county—would never make it in time to save them. That burden was on Liam’s shoulders alone.

He wished he could stop, get out, and face off with whoever pursued them. Who was behind them? The man in the black ski mask? But he had no good options.

“I think you’re coming up on the curve too fast,” she said.

“I don’t need a back-seat driver.”

“I’m in the passenger seat.”


But she was right. The road had been carved out of the mountain—rock on one side and a gorge on the other. He pumped the brakes to slow them. He had to gain control—accelerate enough to escape their pursuer but not too fast or he’d propel the truck right over the mountainside.

If he could just make it to the valley.

“Liam. Let’s just pull over. Just stop, and let’s face this guy. “You have a gun, don’t you?”

Whoever was chasing them probably also had a weapon. Liam didn’t need to get into a shootout with Rae caught in the middle. Only she wasn’t in the middle—she was the center of the conflict. She was the target. Stopping to face off would give Copyright 2016 - 2024