Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,51

done without Liam at her side?

“No. We need to take our time and rethink our strategy. You’re in someone’s crosshairs, Rae. I’m pretty sure it’s Enzo Astor’s. That changes everything.”

“Just so we’re clear, Zoey is the one in immediate danger.”

Uncertainty surged in Liam’s gaze. What was that about?

The door whipped open and Sheriff Taggart rushed in, his expression almost warming when he spotted Liam. Almost. Taggart was in his forties, and his deeply furrowed brows appeared hooked together permanently. He seemed to have more than his fair share of troubles.

“Thanks for giving me a few minutes, Sheriff. This is Rae Burke,” Liam said. “There’s a situation going on.”

“By all means, fill me in.” Sheriff Taggart took his seat. He shook two pain relievers into his hand and popped them into his mouth, followed by a long swig of water from a glass that had been sitting on his desk.

Liam appeared to wait for the sheriff’s full attention, and when he got it, he succinctly explained Simon’s death and Zoey’s disappearance, their search, the stolen laptop, and the incident on the slopes. Rae couldn’t be sure if the sheriff had been aware of the possible connections. She offered the images from her cell phone, which he studied, then returned.

The sheriff nodded as if he’d heard the story before. “I got a call from the Denver Police and had the unfortunate task of delivering the news to Mr. Astor about his brother’s remains. I also spoke with Samara Davidson about her missing daughter.” He rubbed his jaw. “This county has seen better days. I’ll pass this information on to one of my detectives. It sounds like a stretch, but we’ll see if there’s anything to learn.”

“No,” Liam and Rae said at the same time.

Taggart frowned. “Excuse me?”

“Sheriff,” Liam said as he leaned forward. “Enzo Astor was seen meeting with the same man who stole Rae’s laptop and ran her off the slope.”

“You’re positive it was the same man?” Sheriff Taggart studied Liam.

“I didn’t see his face, but he was wearing the same green-faced watch as the man who stole the laptop—and on his right wrist.”

Rae scooted to the edge of her seat. “Sheriff, if I may, Zoey’s life is in danger. We want to save her life, not hear about her death in the news. Or have a police officer knock on my brother’s door to tell him his wife is dead.”

“Those are a lot of accusations with nothing to go on. I don’t have a reason to search Mr. Astor’s home. I’ll give this to one of my detectives to see if we can get probable cause for a search warrant. I have two detectives at the moment.” He flashed two fingers. “Two.”

“Wouldn’t you agree that human life is more important than, say, ticketing horse abusers and managing road closures?” A typical day for the county sheriff’s offices. Liam’s tone didn’t go unnoticed by the sheriff.

Anger flashed in the sheriff’s eyes. Maybe even a little hurt.


“Look, Sheriff. That wasn’t called for,” Liam said. “I’m sorry. I just want you to know what’s happening. I had hoped you would understand the urgency.”

Sheriff Taggart appeared to consider his words carefully. “I appreciate that, Liam. Go ahead and file a report on the incident at the resort involving the jerk who bumped Ms. Burke off the trail. Beyond me passing this to a detective, why don’t you tell me what you want me to do.”

Rae didn’t for a minute believe he was asking for their directive. “We just want you to be aware there’s a possible connection. I want to find Zoey, and right now I don’t know what else we can do.”

Liam leaned back. “Do you have any new information about Simon’s death, Sheriff? Maybe your detective could deliver that and use it as an excuse. I could come along.”

“You’re not in my employ.”

“You used my assistance before.” Liam crossed his arms.

“I don’t need it now.”

“We’re looking into this with or without your help, Sheriff,” Rae said.

Sheriff Taggart squeezed the bridge of his nose.

“I’ve hired Liam as a private investigator to find Zoey. To save her. To save my brother and their four-year-old daughter. We can do this together. Or not.”

“Someone followed Rae and then broke into her room and stole her laptop. Someone forced her off the slope and maybe wanted to kill her today. Someone doesn’t want her to find Zoey, Sheriff. Good enough?”

“You two aren’t going to stop digging, are you?”

“No. My sister-in-law’s life is at stake. I’m a reporter, Copyright 2016 - 2024