Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,37

both got out of the academy, Liam and Kelvin became special agents in the Denver Field Division. While Liam’s cover was blown when he saved Rae’s life, Kelvin was promoted to ASAC and became Liam’s boss.

Liam called the number.

A groggy voice replied. “McKade. Do you know what time it is?”

“Sorry about that.”

“You finally decide to return my call and you wait until one a.m.?”

“I thought it was earlier. I’m in mountain time.”

“Funny. So am I.”

Liam didn’t cringe that he’d been inconsiderate though. After all, Kelvin had pestered him on his leave and then after he’d resigned too.

“I get it. This is payback.”


“So, are you ready to come back? Getting bored yet out there in the sticks?”

Liam scratched his whiskers, then thrust his cold hand into his pocket. “That’s not why I’m calling.”

“Do tell.” Liam could hear Kelvin rustling something on the other end. A voice in the background asked who was calling. Kelvin’s wife.

Oh boy. Now he was kind of sorry. “I apologize for calling so late, but this couldn’t wait.”

“Well, I can’t wait.”

“I’m sending you a picture. Tell me where I’ve seen this guy.”

“What’s this about?”

“It’s a long story. I need to know who he is and why his face is familiar.”

“You could have texted me,” Kelvin growled.

“And miss the sound of your pleasant voice?”

“Send me the image. I’ll see what I can find. But it sounds to me like you’re ready to come back to work.” Kelvin ended the call.

Nice try.

He wouldn’t be able to sleep until he knew who this guy was. Rae could have gotten entangled with a dangerous group—something for which she had a knack. While he waited to hear back from Kelvin, Liam would do his own research to find out what he could about Enzo Astor.

He knew Kelvin would bug him about work again. Liam was supposed to get back to Brad about his job offer soon too. Opportunity for failure seemed to be opening up everywhere. With Rae’s sudden reappearance in his life, he had the oddest sensation that he was being sucked into a lethal vortex from which neither of them could escape.

A wolf howled in the distance as snow clouds blew in and blanketed the sky in utter darkness as though nature were warning him.


5:28 a.m.

Rae opened her eyes and shut off the alarm on her phone two minutes before it was set to go off. No early light bled through the blinds to nudge her awake. Just her internal alarm. She wanted to roll over and sleep some more, but she’d save that for a day when she wasn’t searching for a missing person. She’d needed the rest. That she’d even fallen asleep at all surprised her. At the moment she needed good, strong coffee to fuel her, and now that she thought about it—she could smell coffee brewing. Maybe that was what had woken her before the alarm.

After dressing, she found her way to the kitchen. Liam sat at the counter staring at his laptop. His jaw even more scruffy, he wore the same clothes he’d had on last night when she left him.

“Good morning.” She slipped by him and headed straight for the coffeepot. A mug sat on the counter next to the pot, along with creamer and sugar packets.

“That’s for you.” He lifted his mug as if to toast. “I’m already drinking mine.”

“Thanks.” She poured the coffee and fixed it the way she liked, then breathed in the rich aroma. Strong. Definitely the way she needed it.

Rae slid onto a stool next to Liam. “Did you even sleep?”

“I tried.” He viewed the screen with intense interest but offered her a quick glance. “I’m just trying to piece this together without enough information. But I’ll give it a rest and make you some breakfast.”

“You insisted I go to bed. What happened to ‘We can’t think without rest’?”

“Okay, so you can think, and I’ll try to keep up.” He winked. “Relax. I slept a little bit. I need to shower and get ready. I’ll fix breakfast and then get dressed while you eat.”

“What about your family? Are they still here?”

He shook his head. “Early morning for them. I can’t believe you slept through the ruckus.”

“And I can’t believe you let me. I could have met them at least. I only got to meet Heath.”

He paused as if considering her words, then shook his head. “I thought you needed the rest. Sorry.” Liam slid from the stool and approached the cabinets, where he pulled out a frying pan.

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