Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,34

more to do with going into the field in the middle of conflicts.”

Rae nodded, a distant and somber look in her eyes. Thinking about her dad and how he died? Liam wished he hadn’t brought it up.

“So, Reggie will follow the money, and maybe tomorrow we’ll know something more about Simon’s brother,” she said.

“It’s no different in the DEA.”

“The love of money’s the root of all evil,” she said.

“You got that right. If there’s one thing I learned working in the DEA, money has a close relationship with drugs. In the end, all crimes are usually related to drugs, including trafficking of arms or humans.” He and Rae had already found that out, up close and personal. If they didn’t find Zoey soon, they might need to work the drug angle and see where that led them.

Footfalls drew his attention. Heath stood there with bed hair and frowned, then smiled at Rae. “Hi. I heard voices, so thought I’d check.”

Timber had followed him downstairs. Heath scratched the dog’s head and studied them.

Liam made the introductions quietly. He hadn’t thought about how much information he would share with Heath, who was also a Bridger County reserve deputy. For a while, Liam had experienced that feeling that his past would follow him, and here Rae sat, but it was more than that. The uncanny awareness that the evil he’d escaped hadn’t let go of him or Rae. He couldn’t shake the sense it was all related—maybe it was some form of paranoia or PTSD. Regardless, he didn’t want his brothers to pay the price.

“She’s going to need a room in the house tonight. I’m giving her Evelyn’s old room.”

Heath raked his fingers through his hair as if just realizing it was askew. “I’d suggest getting some sleep before you wake up the whole house.”

Heath—that look in his eyes—glanced at Rae again and then at Liam. He reminded Liam of Evelyn, who was determined to win at her matchmaking games. His brother approached him and gave him a bear hug. He whispered, “You be careful while I’m gone, you hear?”

When his older brother released him, Liam nodded and held Heath’s gaze for a few seconds. Heath had always been protective, especially after their father failed them so miserably.

“You have fun on your honeymoon, and don’t worry about me.” The words felt good to say.

Appreciation swarmed in Heath’s gaze.

He took Rae’s hand and held it between both of his larger ones. “It was good to meet you, Rae. I hope I get the chance to get to know you better in the future.”

Then his brother left them.

What in the world had he meant with those last words? Liam didn’t want to think about it. He couldn’t afford the time, so he focused back on the task before them. His mind went to his experience with the DEA and his conversation with Rae before Heath appeared.

Money. Drugs. Trafficking.

Liam got the distinct impression that darkness had indeed followed him here.

Maybe it was time to shine a little light into the shadows.


Thursday, 12:32 a.m.

Denver, Colorado

Alan sat in the chair in Callie’s room. His heart ached, and he moved in a constant state of nausea.

He’d called Rae, but she hadn’t answered. He hoped Rae had learned something from Zoey’s mother, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized his mistake. He couldn’t lose Rae too. He never should have asked for her help. He pressed his hand over his eyes.

The detective informed him they had talked to Zoey’s mother—Samara Davidson—and told her about her missing daughter.

They’d shared her real name.


Alan could have unearthed her past if he’d chosen to dig. But he’d allowed Zoey to keep her demons far from them, where they should have stayed so they wouldn’t come between them.

Except they’d come between them anyway.

He dropped his hand from his eyes to watch his daughter. His beautiful, sweet daughter. She didn’t deserve any of what was happening. He hoped he could protect her forever. Callie’s face was so sweet and innocent. How would he prevent evil from reaching into her world? He could keep the news that her mother was missing from her for only so long.

God, how do I tell her? Please . . . Please don’t let it come to that.

He held back quiet sobs. If the police found some reason to arrest him for Zoey’s disappearance, it would only be a matter of time before they learned the truth.

His cell buzzed in his pocket, so he eased from the Copyright 2016 - 2024