Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,27

Tawny Davidson. She changed her name to Zoey Dumont.”

Cook frowned. “Are you saying you believe this break-in has to do with her?”

“I’m not sure what to believe,” she said.

“Let’s see if there are any identifiers on this guy,” the deputy said. “We can’t see any tattoos because he’s covered head to toe.”

“Even if he wasn’t covered, the footage is too grainy,” Rae said.

“Looks like he’s wearing a sports watch,” Greg pointed out.

“Great,” Cook said. “That, to go with his black attire and mask. That doesn’t help us.”

“But look closer. The watch face is green. That’s unusual. And it’s on his right wrist,” Liam said. “That could mean he’s left-handed. It could help us narrow things down.”

“Have you learned anything about Zoey?” Rae shifted her full attention to the deputy. “Are you actively looking for her?”

“I’m not working on that, but others are. I’ll let them know what’s happened here.” To Greg, he said, “Can you move her to another room? I’d like the sheriff in on this. We need to get evidence techs in here in case this is related to the missing woman’s disappearance.”

“Sure, but can I ask a favor?” Greg handed off a USB drive presumably holding a copy of the footage. “Please don’t string yellow crime scene tape across her door. We don’t want to scare the guests.”

“Fine by me. Don’t let housekeeping in, then. But doesn’t seem like you have much control over who is getting into the rooms. I’ll get someone to guard this room until it’s processed in case our visitor decides to return.” Cook called for assistance on his cell.

Liam could hardly believe the turn of events.

“I’ll assist you in moving to a new room,” Greg said.

“That won’t be necessary,” Liam said. “She’s checking out.”

“I’m not checking out.” She stared Liam down. “I need to keep a room here, Liam.”


“I just need to make sure we have one available.” Greg waited on his cell.

Liam secretly hoped they didn’t have an extra room. That their last vacant room was now a crime scene.

“I’m writing an article, so I need to be close.”

“I’m so sorry for what’s happened.” Greg spoke to her though he was on hold. “But sounds like you’re working double duty, Ms. Burke. Writing an article and also looking for a missing person.” He frowned and addressed the person on the phone. “Okay. Not good.” He ended the call, then peered at her. “There’s nothing available until tomorrow.”

Liam turned to her. “It’s okay, Rae. You have a safe place to stay. And it won’t change the potential for your article.”

It looked like he was getting in deep. What am I doing?

An hour later, Deputy Cook allowed Rae to take her luggage from her ransacked room. The deputy had waited there to make sure no one entered until others had arrived to process it.

Greg stayed with Rae and Liam and escorted them all the way to the exit. “Again, I’m so sorry about what’s happened. I hope it doesn’t reflect on us in that article you’re writing.”

Rae shrugged and offered a small smile. “It’s nothing to do with you, so don’t worry.”

“Are you going to be all right?” Greg had that look in his eyes like he might want to ask Rae out. She seemed alone and vulnerable, but not needy. Never needy. Misplaced jealousy crawled through Liam. Or rather, slithered.

“Yes, thanks, Greg.”

“You’re welcome. Call me if you need anything.” He handed her his card. “Anything at all.”

She nodded. “I will.”

Greg left them at the exit. I can’t believe this guy. But Rae hadn’t caught on to Greg’s interest in her. Liam obviously hadn’t given off any possessive vibes, and why should he? He’d gone to a lot of trouble to avoid feeling emotional connections.

Liam had been watching to make sure Greg left for good, then realized Rae was watching him.

“You can step away from this if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said.

Where had that come from? Rae was scared about everything that was happening. Liam could easily see that. He sensed, too, that she was still hesitant about staying at the Emerald M.

“You want to know what I’m thinking?”

“I’m not so sure anymore.” She arched a brow.

“Too bad. I’m thinking that I’m glad there wasn’t another room for you here,” he said. “You need to be somewhere safe. Emerald M has plenty of room for you this time of year. As for your room here, I want to know how the masked man knew where you were staying to begin with. He Copyright 2016 - 2024