Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,25

calling in the resort security? But she didn’t pose that question to Greg. He seemed like a good guy and was just doing his job. Resorts needed security for a thousand reasons that didn’t have to do with her predicament.

She met Liam’s gaze. “I’m going to need a new computer. I don’t have time for all this. Zoey . . .” She caught herself. She hadn’t even had a chance to tell Liam what was going on.

Liam knitted his brows, but the look he gave said he understood her need for privacy about the investigation. “Let’s say this was intentional and not random. What would be on your computer that would make it worth their while to risk security cameras and break into your room?”

“Why does anyone take a computer?” she asked. “To find out more about the owner. Get bank accounts, though they are in for a big surprise there.” She was barraged by worry that they’d targeted her and taken her computer to find out about much more. “What else could it be?”

“I think you know, Rae. Let’s go with this thought. Let’s say they want to know more about what you’re investigating. What’s on your computer about this investigation so far?”

“Whoa. Wait. Who are you two?” Greg tucked his cell away. “The police are on their way. But seriously, what investigation? What am I missing?”

She’d come here looking into her sister-in-law’s background, hoping that alone would give her an idea as to what had happened in the past and what was happening now. She didn’t want the security guy to know all her secrets and wished he would leave now. Could someone have stolen her laptop because they’d taken Zoey? Or maybe they were looking for her too. Rae’s head was beginning to throb. She was overthinking this. She hadn’t answered Greg and wasn’t sure what to say. Fortunately, someone called him, and he got on his cell again.

Liam moved to watch out the window. She joined him.

Her room afforded a spectacular view of the mountain and ski slopes.

“You’re not staying here tonight.” A statement. No question in there. “You can stay at the Emerald M Ranch. You’ll be safe there.”

“I want to stay here. I have to experience the resort and the area to write an article. Staying here gives me more opportunity. I don’t want to end up with a giant bill for this room if they think I’m a fraud.” She sounded so crass, given that Zoey was still missing.

“It gives you more opportunity for trouble.” Liam crossed his arms.

“I haven’t even told you what’s going on.”

“Knowing more won’t change my mind.”

At least his true thoughts were out in the open.


He knew the instant Rae turned her blue-green eyes on him. “Hey. Don’t talk to me like I don’t have a choice. It’s my decision where I stay.”

“So make your decision to stay at Emerald M, where it’s safe.” Fueled by remnants of their past, he turned to her and inched closer. “Don’t be stubborn about this and put both our lives in danger.”

Hurt flashed across her features. He backed off. He hadn’t meant to hurt her. Only to put a little fear in her.

“Let me think about it,” she said, her voice softening, “but thank you for your offer to stay at the ranch.”

He couldn’t press her, so he prayed she would see reason and come to his way of thinking on her own.

She glanced over her shoulder at Greg, who was still on the phone. “I should just file a report about the laptop and be done with it. This is taking too long.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I need to find my sister-in-law. She’s missing.” She rubbed her eyes, exhaustion clearly setting in on top of everything else.

Evidence was quickly growing cold. “I hear you. Normally I would agree that we should just file a report, but in this case, the person who took your laptop could lead us to your sister-in-law. There’s a risk, too, that it’s not related. Let me find out more from Greg and see if we can at least get a detective in here.”

Rae had been about to tell him everything, and then he would understand why she’d found him today and asked for his help. He already saw that she needed protection, as well as help with her reporter-style private investigation.

Liam waited for Greg to finally end his call, but by the sound of the conversation, he knew the security guard was Copyright 2016 - 2024