Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,23

with her now and that gave her hope.

“Why did you agree to write a travel article?”

“I’m using it as my cover while I’m here. You know about covers.”

“That, I do. But the way covers work is that you’re putting on a persona. You’re not in any way yourself. You’re someone else. You’re not hiding that you’re a reporter, even if you’re pretending to write a travel article. So I’m not sure this is an undercover operation.”

“I am writing the article.” They neared the door and she stopped. “I guess I’m not really working undercover, then. But if anyone asks, I’m here writing a travel article. Only people I’m questioning will know my true purpose here. Does that work for you?”

A dimple emerged in his left cheek. How did he do that without truly smiling? But his eyes—oh, they were smiling. And her heart was tripping over itself.

“Doesn’t matter about me. I just hope it works for you, Rae.” She heard the caring tone in his voice.

I do too, Liam. I do too.

As they approached the entrance to the resort, she took one last glance over her shoulder, hoping she’d see who had followed her. Hoping she would see no one.

Together they pushed through the doors. Warm lighting and caramel-colored wood welcomed them deeper into the rustic facility bursting with western décor, fabulous art, and a homey, comfy feel. She had no idea how they accomplished meshing the styles together, but it was meant to accommodate patrons from all backgrounds and reminded her a bit of Samara Davidson.


“Let’s grab something warm to drink at the kiosk and then we can head up to my room. I don’t want anyone overhearing what I have to tell you.”

With a caramel macchiato and a black coffee in to-go cups, they headed up to her room. At her door when she went to use the key card, he took it from her. “Excuse me,” she said.

“Someone followed you. I hope I’m being paranoid. But a little caution can’t hurt, especially since I don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into this time.”

“Nobody can get into my room without a key. Even if they could, there are cameras everywhere.”

Liam ignored her and removed a weapon from a holster beneath his jacket. Rae hadn’t realized he was carrying, but she should have suspected. More like expected. He pressed the card against the key reader and held the weapon as if he anticipated a threat waiting for them inside.

Memories rushed back to her. Setting up that meeting with a known human trafficker, pretending to be someone else to find out about Dina. Being taken to be trafficked herself. Her heart pounded. The images and crushing emotions flashed before her in milliseconds.

She shook them off to concentrate on the muscles in Liam’s back. His coat lay at the entrance, where he’d dropped it.

He flipped on the lights.

“Really, Liam.” Rae shook her head. He could be over the top at times.

“Really, Rae. See for yourself.” He peered into the bathroom to make sure it was clear.

Rae entered to find her room ransacked. A few heartbeats ticked by, then she gasped. “Wha-what were they searching for?”

“They weren’t very discreet. Maybe it’s a warning. Nobody knows you’re here, though, remember?”

“No need to be sarcastic. You already made your point earlier.”

Alan knows I’m here. Sam knows. Why would she have me followed? Why would she have my room ransacked? Or was this a random break-in, after all?

Liam pulled out his cell phone. Rae pressed her palms against her temples. What was she going to do now? She needed to focus on finding Zoey. She didn’t have time for this.

“Who are you calling?”

“The resort security.”

She tried to grab his cell. “Wait. Let me think about this.”

“Think about it? What’s to think about?”

Rae didn’t want to make a big deal or take the time to mess with it—if a life was on the line. Still, this could somehow be related to Zoey. “I guess you’re right. Okay. Go ahead and call them. But I’m not telling them everything. I don’t want the wrong people to know what I’m up to.”

Still on his cell, Liam gave her a funny look. Yeah, she understood him loud and clear. Looked like the wrong people already knew. She wasn’t sure how that was even possible.

And the question racing through her thoughts right now? Who were the wrong people? Did this break-in mean she was on the right track?

Rae started to gather her items and put them back in the drawers. Copyright 2016 - 2024