Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,20

took a few pictures of the home and the surrounding area. However, if she was going to hike in those woods, she’d need snowshoes. Good thing she’d thought ahead. A good camera and sturdy snowshoes were a must in the Rockies during the winter. She knew that much from living in Colorado. She got the snowshoes from the back of the car, strapped them onto her boots, and then slung her camera over her shoulder.

Rae hiked into the forest to take pictures of the home from various angles. She didn’t expect to find Zoey at the home, but neither would she discount the possibility—she’d seen too much in her experience to be surprised.

Just . . . be alive, Zoey. Somewhere.

Rae took other pictures as well so anyone looking on would think she was a nature lover out for a walk. According to her GPS, the national forest surrounded Sam’s home. Public lands.

When she was about fifty yards from the road, the sound of a vehicle drew her attention. Through the trees, she spotted a new Jeep driving up to the Davidson home. Zooming in on her camera, she caught the model—Grand Cherokee Trackhawk.

The vehicle stopped on the circular drive in front of the house.

Crouching behind a tree, she positioned herself with the camera. Okay, so she didn’t look like a nature lover out for a hike if anyone spotted her at this moment. Sam got out of the vehicle, followed by the guide from the last group. They entered the home.

She’d mentioned that after Zoey’s father died, Zoey had a couple of stepfathers, and then the male guides served as her father figures. Perhaps the two female guides Rae had seen in the brochure were like sisters or friends. Just one big happy family.

Rae might need to schedule a heli-ski tour and see what she could learn from the guides, specifically this one who was close to Sam. Taking photographs of them wasn’t the best journalistic technique. But the code of conduct included situations where this kind of activity was justified. She wasn’t working for anyone and wasn’t officially an investigative reporter, and she promised her brother this wasn’t a story. Then why did she care about the code?

She zoomed in. The curtains remained pulled back from the large windows. Sam stood near one window and stared out—just like she had at her office—only she was on her cell. While she spoke, her features contorted, and she lowered the mini blinds and probably pulled the curtains shut, too, for good measure.

Who would she call after a visit from someone like Rae? Maybe it had nothing to do with Zoey’s disappearance. But Sam wanted to find her daughter. Rae had to believe that about the woman and that her story about their so-called estrangement involving a stalker was true. A story that Zoey hadn’t told Rae. Footfalls crunched in the deep snow behind her. If she kept perfectly still, maybe whoever was in the woods wouldn’t spot her.

Oh. Right. Her big footprints would give her away. Plan B, then. She could stand up and resume taking pictures of the woods, but she sensed it was too late.

Her pulse skyrocketed. She reached for the pepper spray and prepared to defend herself as she spotted the blue jeans bursting from the deep snow.


Rae aimed a can of pepper spray at him. He held up his palms in surrender, catching himself before he reacted according to his training and was much too aggressive. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Her shoulders drooped. He was relieved she hadn’t sprayed him in the face.

A full ten seconds passed as she regained her composure, pressing her hand against her rapidly rising and falling chest. “You scared me to death. You followed me?”

“You’re outraged that I followed you? Look, didn’t you learn anything?”

“I’m not facing off with drug dealers or human traffickers. This isn’t like that. It’s personal.”

He looked forward to hearing about that. Not really. It could only mean trouble. “Let’s get out of here before whoever you’re watching sees us and calls the police.”

He offered his hand and she took it. He practically pulled her to her feet. “Since when are you the kind of reporter who tries to see inside someone’s home?”

“I know what you think about my methods.”

“That I think this is a questionable endeavor? Well, then you’re right. Are you done taking pictures?”

“Now that you’re here, sure, I’m done.”

“Then let’s go.” Liam turned to walk back to the road, and Rae followed. He Copyright 2016 - 2024