Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,14

‘How’s the fishing?’” He angled his head as he explained to Willow and Harper. “We had a code in place. Our way of watching one another’s backs. When Dad was on a bender, the fishing wasn’t good, and that meant to stay away.”

“Only problem was, the fishing was hardly ever good,” Austin said.

“But you built that fort.” Willow smiled. “You could go there.”

Austin winked. “Yes. Yes, we could. I’m glad that’s all behind us now and we survived.”

The waitress delivered their food, and the conversation moved on.

One thing Liam knew was that his family could move on and leave the past behind, but Liam eyed the woman in the booth by the far window. His recent past had followed him here, and he couldn’t leave it behind just yet.

While his family dug into their jalapeño burgers, sweet potato fries, and chicken fingers, they laughed together. Snuggled. Teased each other. Shared a few quick kisses.

Liam listened to the two happy couples and let himself become invisible.

He sipped his black coffee and watched Rae exit the café in a manner that let him know she was hard on a trail. Unfortunately, he had a bad feeling about her endeavor, which had required her to muster the courage to ask him, of all people, for his help. That should tell him something.

And maybe Rae interrupting his day was Providence shining down on him, because he needed an excuse to get away from his syrupy family and the reminders of everything he was missing. His past had followed him here, and he couldn’t let it out of his sight.


Liam had excused himself, and he didn’t think anyone noticed. He’d been invisible just like he’d wanted. Though maybe he was lying to himself.

He reached for the door of his new four-wheel-drive truck with a plow on the front.


The shout came from across the parking lot. He opened the door and turned to see Heath practically jogging toward him. Liam chuckled at the sight.

“You’re going to slip and fall!” he called.

Gasping for breath, Heath caught up to him. The parking lot wasn’t small. “When you excused yourself, I thought you were coming back. Then I spotted you through the window. Where are you going?”

“I have something I need to take care of.”

Heath frowned. “Okay. Fair enough. But why do I get the feeling it’s more that you’re trying to avoid us?”

“It’s not that, Heath.” Liam climbed into the cab and started the engine to get the heat going. The diesel’s rumble had the added benefit of drowning out most of Heath’s words, but Liam might as well hear him out. Heath would keep at him if he didn’t, so Liam killed the idling truck and turned his focus back to Heath. “I’m listening.”

“I’ve kept my peace and given you the space you’ve needed since you came home last summer. I was glad to have you back. I know we haven’t seen eye to eye and we still have our issues, but are you ever going to tell me what happened to you? Because something’s eating at you, and it’s only getting worse. I’m leaving in the morning. I didn’t want to leave without asking you about it.”

Did Heath just want to confirm that Liam would be responsible for the ranch in Heath’s absence? Nah. That wasn’t fair. Heath truly cared about him. Not everyone was all about themselves or had a secret agenda. Liam would keep reminding himself of that until he finally believed it. He caught a glimpse of Rae getting into a vehicle.

“There’s not much to tell. I was working undercover. I made a mistake. I got too close to someone, and in the end, she was only using me. She blew my cover, or rather, forced me to blow it. We both almost died.”

Heath hung his head. “I’m sorry. But you both survived. And where is she now? You said that you got close to her.”

“I also said she used me.”

“Are you sure about that?” Heath knew Liam had trouble trusting.

“One hundred percent.”

“That’s too bad.”

Rae steered from the parking lot. Liam needed to go if he was going to follow her—some kind of insanity getting the best of him. “She showed up here today.”

Heath’s eyes widened. “Interesting.”

“She asked for my help, and I turned her away.”

“So, are you upset because she showed up or because you rejected her?”

“A little of both.” A lot of both. “If it’s all the same to you, Heath, I don’t need your advice.” Liam’s gaze followed the Copyright 2016 - 2024