Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,113

searching for Dina, but Zoey had showed her hand, revealed too much in that risky game she’d played, and Malcom had found her.

“If we’re staying here, do you mind if I get the fire going again?” Rae asked. “It’s getting cold.”

“We’re leaving.”

“But this storm—”

“It’s the best time to leave. Nobody is going to track me or follow me in this. It’s the perfect storm. Now, give me the password you got for the cryptocurrency. Then we’ll meet your sister-in-law, who has the last code.”

The image of that moment she’d discovered the impression inside the cover of the Zane Williams novel flashed in her mind. She’d texted that word to Reggie.


“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Liam waited in the kitchen and listened to Malcom Fox share with Rae far more information than he would share with someone he would allow to live.

With the howling wind battering the structure, Liam had easily slipped into the dark cabin undetected. The door had been ajar, so Liam’s entry hadn’t drawn attention, even when he shut it to cut off the cold and snow that swirled inside. Liam pressed against a wall. Waited. Listened. Sensing if someone else was in the room with him. He heard someone breathing . . . a ragged breath here and there.

A light switched on in the hallway, and Liam held his weapon ready. Then he saw the body on the floor behind the sofa. The man was still alive. What had happened here? Liam had almost rushed forward to assist him, but he froze when a voice echoed against the walls from farther down. The light dimmed.


Then a second voice . . . Fox?

And Fox emerged from the hallway, holding Rae at gunpoint.

Anger threatened to erupt. Liam’s instinct was to rush in and protect her. But he’d done that before. He’d been shot and left for dead. She’d escaped unscathed, and Malcom Fox had been put away because of Liam’s undercover work.

Now they were back in this never-ending nightmare.

Liam struggled with the fact that Fox was here now with Rae. A man of his word, Fox was not. Liam had let Fox believe that he had Liam under his thumb with the threat of harming Liam’s loved ones. Was abducting Rae Fox’s way of showing Liam he meant business? Whatever the reason, Liam couldn’t let what happened last year happen again tonight.

God, you opened doors for me. Now I’m here. What do I do? How do I save her?

Liam let his protective instincts kick in and rule him. He’d save Rae at all costs.

He hadn’t known where he belonged before, but maybe, just maybe, he was here at this moment in time because in the end, he was supposed to save Rae again. That was his sole purpose in life.

He had no purpose after that.

His chest grew tight, squeezing his heart.

Ivan was waiting outside. Upon Liam’s signal, Ivan would create a distraction.

With Fox making plans to take Rae with him—it was game time.

“Now.” Liam whispered the word into his helmet and hoped Ivan heard the call to action despite the storm raging outside.

A snowmobile started up. Lights shined brightly into the house, blinding them.

While Malcom backed away from the window, Liam rushed to stand between the man and Rae, tugging off his helmet so she would know it was him. “Go!” Liam pointed to the front door. “Ivan is waiting for you.”


“Go!” he shouted with all the command he could muster as he lifted his gun, aiming it at Malcolm, even as the man aimed his gun at Liam.

She fled through the door and into the storm. The opened door allowed more light in . . . Light that shined on Malcom Fox—a dark, evil man who destroyed lives. Liam never took his eyes off the man. Every minute he’d spent working his way up in the man’s organization, Liam had dreamed of this moment but never imagined it would happen.

Malcom laughed. “You can’t survive this stalemate.”

“I don’t have to survive. And neither do you.” But Rae had to live.

Liam heard the snowmobile zoom away. He had instructed Ivan to leave him behind and whisk Rae to safety.

“You might not care if you live or die, but I have a business to run.” Malcom’s eyes gave him away. He would shoot.

A gunshot blasted through the cabin, startling Liam.

Fox stared at Liam in shock, then dropped to his knees. He fell forward, the gun tumbling from his hand and clattering onto the floor. His eyes were lifeless.

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