Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,111

snowmobile close enough to Ivan that he could still see the lights. This was some kind of crazy. Ivan had provided helmets with radio communication as an added precaution.

The lights ahead of him dimmed. “Dude, where’d you go?” Red lights brightened, then shut off completely.

“I’m here. Stopping.”

Liam veered to the left to keep from rear-ending Ivan.

Ivan gestured ahead of them. “Chuck’s cabin is through the woods. Shut off your lights.”

Liam did as requested. “Now what? I can’t see my hand in front of my face.”

If he sat here too long, the snow would bury him.

When Ivan didn’t answer, Liam tried again. “What are we doing?”

“Something’s wrong.”


“There are no lights,” Ivan said.

“Okay, maybe he went to town to wait out the blizzard.”

“Not likely.” Ivan sounded worried.

“Let’s get inside and find out if something’s wrong.” Liam got off the snowmobile. “We need to get to the other cabin to see if Rae is even there. We stay here too long, we’ll be digging the snowmobiles out.”

Ivan flipped on a flashlight. Liam did as well, and they hiked toward the cabin. Not even the glow of a fire. They kept their helmets on for warmth and communication as they hiked. Ivan knocked on the door. After no answer, he found it unlocked and entered. He shined the light around. “Looks like he was here today, but he’s gone now. Chuck would leave his fire going, if anything, since that’s his sole source of heat out here.”

The big man clomped down a hallway, his flashlight casting eerie shadows, while Liam remained in place. His nerves prickled.

Close inspection let Liam know that a few embers remained. “Looks like he buried the fire with ash. Why would he do that?”

“He didn’t.” Ivan gasped over the comm. “He’s in here. A shot to the head.”

Liam could just bet who was responsible. Chuck’s cabin was much too close to the Morning Glory cabin that Malcom and his trafficking ring used for their operation. He could cause problems. If he was off-grid and no one would miss him anytime soon, then whoever shot him hadn’t had to think twice. Liam joined Ivan in the bedroom.

“Looks like he was shot in his sleep this morning,” Ivan said.

“I’m sorry this happened.” He squeezed Ivan’s shoulder.

Ivan’s loud exhale came through the comm.

“We’ll call it in, Ivan—but after we get to Rae. Whoever shot your cousin could be the same person with her now.” Wayne, Enzo . . . or Malcom?

He wanted to get his hands on all of them.

“We should take the snowmobiles instead of hiking in. The snow’s getting deep, and as you say, this is taking too long. The snowmobiles will let them know someone’s coming though.”

“We’ll take them until we see lights from the cabin,” he said.

Minutes later, they were crossing the frozen lake on snowmobiles. Liam hoped Ivan knew where he was going, because Liam was lost. The man made his living guiding people over the mountains. Could Liam trust Ivan?

“I’m sorry, Liam. Looks like the lights are out in that cabin too.” Ivan’s tone was grim.


Multiple gunshots echoed through the cabin and jarred Rae as she hid in the bathroom. She covered her ears and tried to hunker deeper in the tub. She had to resist the screams threatening to erupt or she’d give away her hiding place. Rae imagined her father crouched down behind rubble, waiting on gunfire from opposing forces to stop. He’d been so strong.

And she would be too.

When the gunfire ceased, the resulting silence amplified the sound of her desperate gasps. She feared the deafening pounding of her heart would filter through the walls. Was Jack hiding and waiting for the right moment to ambush their attacker? She refused to think he had been shot and killed.

She would wait for him. If he was okay, then he would come for her.

Or he could be dead, and the shooter would be the one to find her.

Bile rose in her throat. She was trapped. Liam had been right about her all along. She always pushed too hard and dug too deep, endangering herself. But she couldn’t do less than her father had done. She wouldn’t give up either. Maybe here in the darkness she would remain hidden from the assailant. If Jack was down, Rae’s only choice was to outsmart whoever was out there. Could she overcome someone who had a gun and was willing to kill? What’s more, she couldn’t tell if others had joined the shooter in the house.

Jack had risked his Copyright 2016 - 2024