Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,101

cybersecurity firm where she was paid to hack her way into businesses—mainly financial institutions—and government entities to show them it could be done. On the flip side of that coin, she knew how to keep her laptop safe from prying eyes.

That’s why he kept thinking about those books. He’d thought they’d been sent by a stalker, but Zoey’s mother had a stash of them in Wyoming. So it stood to reason that Zoey’s mother had sent Zoey the books.


Had Zoey hidden something in those books? And if she had, why would she hide something in old novels that she could just as easily hide in cyberspace?

He would have called Rae and talked it out, but he didn’t want to wake Callie. And Mom had to go home for a couple of days, so she wasn’t around to run interference. Her boss wanted her at his side during his presentation to the board. What a wasted trip. He’d decided to let himself depend on her, and now she was gone.

Even amid his crisis, the lives of others continued around him as if his own life hadn’t been turned upside down. As if Zoey hadn’t disappeared. Mom assured him that she would return next week if Zoey’s disappearance wasn’t resolved. So much for her wanting to be here for Callie.

He’d seen the look of sympathy and grief for her son’s loss in his mother’s eyes. She didn’t believe Zoey was coming back, despite the hope he clung to because she’d returned before.

This was different. Yes. He’d admit that much. This time was different. Of course it was. Why had he continued to hold on to the hope that it would be the same as the last time she disappeared?

Hope was all he had.

In the meantime, Callie needed Alan full-time, and he didn’t want to talk to Rae or upset Callie. He so easily used his little girl as an excuse when he could have texted Rae. He’d asked her to do this for him, after all. But the simple act of texting her left him feeling hollowed out.

Callie could sense that, and she was already on edge. For her, Alan wouldn’t allow himself to step over that line and become a nonbeliever like his mother. Maybe even the detective and the rest of the police.

Callie counted on Alan, and maybe even Zoey counted on him to keep believing she was alive.

Come back to me, Zoey.

Alan had never been a violent man. But if given the chance, he would kill. He knew that now to his marrow. His gut boiled with anger. If given the chance—God, please give me the chance—he would look the man who took Zoey away from him in the eyes right before he exacted vengeance.

For now, he would do his best to protect his daughter. His handgun remained tucked under his pillow, within his reach.

If only he could escape this living hell and torture—reporters watching and waiting to catch him every time he left. The detective’s endless questions. If he could take Callie from here, he would.

But he had to stay here and stay strong for Zoey. He had to be home when she came back.

A tear leaked out the corner of his eye.

Scritch, scritch. Scritch, scritch.

He stiffened.

Callie? The dread crawling over his body told him no.

Slowly, he sat up in bed and placed his shaking hands on his weapon. He started to call out to see if Callie was sleepwalking, but his gut told him to remain quiet.

Someone was creeping down the hallway. He got out of bed and backed into a dark corner and waited.

The figure crept slowly into his room until he hovered near the bed.

Alan aimed his weapon but kept his distance. He hadn’t trained for hand-to-hand combat like so many others. He was a geek like Zoey.

The figure froze near the bed. He must have realized Alan wasn’t in the bed but was behind him instead, because the stranger turned and whispered, “Alan?”


Alan.” Again, the woman he loved whispered his name—the sound blowing unspeakable emotions through him.

He dropped the gun as his wife rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him, then buried her face in his chest.

Zoey sobbed.

Was Alan dreaming? No. Zoey was here in their home. In their bedroom. In the flesh. He held her in his arms and could have sobbed with her.

Thank you, God. All he’d wanted was to have her back safe and sound. He hadn’t cared if she was having an affair—though he’d refused to believe it. Copyright 2016 - 2024