Don't Hesitate Don't Hesitate (The Reluctant Heart Book 3) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,47

a night. But then I’d be risking the night’s income and have to explain that to Andrew when we worked things out. I smiled. When, not if. In my heart, I believed we had a future. I believed in us.

Ted said, “I’ll be happy to cover for you. And if you find you need an extended stay, just let me know.”

“Thanks. You are the most reliable bouncer I ever met.”

Ted laughed. “I’m not really a bouncer.”

My eyes widened. “You’re not? Then…why are you here?”

“Because Andrew asked Clark to send the best.”

“Bouncer,” I said.

“No. Protection. I actually run my own security company.”

“You what? And you’re here doing this?” I was flabbergasted.

“I got hired for a job. And trust me, this one comes with a lot better view than most,” Ted winked.

I rolled my eyes. “I can’t believe he did this.”

“Andrew must really care about you.”

I nodded and turned back to my office.

Yes, he does. He…loves me.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Are you sure you want to sign these papers?” Phillip asked from across the desk in his office. “Once you do, there won’t be any going back. I made sure there were no loopholes.”

“I knew there wouldn’t be.” That’s why I chose Phillip to draft this contract. It was legal, binding, and free of errors. “And for the record, yes, I want to do this.” An apology could never equal what was in my heart, but I would try. And I was ready to make a grand gesture to show Anne the depth of my feelings.

Phillip handed me the papers and said, “Sign here and here.” I did and handed them back to him. “I’ll get this right over to the courthouse in Bermoose. I will also email you a copy for your records. I’m sure your accountant will have many questions for you, number one being your sanity.”

“I don’t care what anyone thinks. It’s my money, my decision.” That comment was meant for Phillip as well.

“Are you going to tell Anne, or just surprise her like last time? I’d like to think you’ve learned from your mistakes,” Phillip stated.

“You just can’t resist needling me, can you?”

Phillip shook his head. “You make it too easy. With Anne, you’re really off your game.”

“Not anymore. I know what I want.” And it’s Anne.

“I really hope you get it,” Phillip said earnestly.

I got up and walked out of his office. Once I received the documents, I’d make arrangements to return to Bermoose and deliver them to Anne. For now, Clark was taking me to some museum he said he was thinking about purchasing. It was not in line with anything else he owned, and a few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have delayed in telling him he was losing his fucking mind. But I knew my brother. There was more to this museum than he was letting on. I hope whoever she is, she’s as good for Clark as Anne is for me.

No matter how we fought and sniped at one another, the bottom line was we were brothers. We would support each other’s professional and romantic success. Kenneth and Jerry seemed to have reached theirs, and I’m well on my way now. If it was possible for us, then there was certainly hope for Phillip, Clark, and our evasive brother Richard.

Can’t wait to see who Clark is interested in, because that museum sounds…. different.

My phone rang. It was Clark. Please be calling to say you changed your mind.

“Hi, Andrew. Want me to pick you up or are you going to meet me there?”

Definitely taking my own car. The last thing I wanted was to be trapped there any longer than I needed to be. “I have the address. And don’t worry, I’m not going to blow you off.” No matter how tempted I am.

“Good. I’ll be waiting near this new auto exhibit they have. I hear they have some real unique vehicles.”

“Great.” I ended the call. I didn’t want to spend my afternoon looking at cars you couldn’t put on a road because they’re actually boats or planes or something ridiculous like that. When I was a kid, I was into that kind of shit, but who had time for fun and games now?

An hour later I pulled into the parking lot, and just the exterior of the building had me regretting this outing. A giant wooden cyclops and a statue of a three-headed dog flanked the entrance. Oh, yeah. I’m not going to be here long.

Unfortunately, I saw Clark’s car already parked. Empty. That meant I had Copyright 2016 - 2024