Don't Hesitate Don't Hesitate (The Reluctant Heart Book 3) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,33

emptiness in her tone. I knew she and Uncle Carl had gotten divorces, but I swear it was a mistake. They had loved each other deeply and neither Trixi or Carl ever dated again. Unfortunately, both were too stubborn to admit they were wrong.

I should’ve told them, “Don’t hesitate because a day gone by is a day lost forever.”

Andrew and I were not in the same situation as they were. We were enjoying each other, but love, well that was…impractical. He’d made it clear what he wanted, my club. And based on what I’d read about him, that’s all he ever wants. To grow his fortune. Was that really all there was to him? They made him sound like a business tycoon without a heart. That didn’t seem like the same man that I was getting to know. I made it clear the club wasn’t for sale and since he no longer speaks about it, he obviously has accepted that fact. Besides, he took such good care of me after I had gotten hurt at work. And even now, he is coming with me to ensure it doesn’t happen again. The only thing he was getting out of all this donated time was my gratitude. Maybe a piece of my heart too. The world might view him one way, I see him another.

“Anne, are you still there?” Trixi asked.

There was so much going through my mind already, and now I must keep my emotions, feelings, in check when it comes to Andrew too. “Oh, yes. I was just…sorry, Aunt Trixi, I’ve got to go. I’m late,” I said.

She laughed. “Yup. Been years. Tell Andrew I said hi and I’ll be happy to extend my vacation if he needs me to.”

“That’s not necessary. Love you, gotta go.” I ended the call and turned to Andrew. He was already getting dressed.

“I figured we didn’t have time for another shower,” he said.

“You heard?” I asked.

“Let’s just say your aunt is not a quiet person.”

Oh, God. What does he think? She made it sound like I…can’t find my own…happily-ever-after. I can…could…if I was allowed to live my own life, way. If I wasn’t tied to The Treasured Chest, things might be different with me and Andrew. Maybe we could explore this…connection that is growing. Instead, all we can do is enjoy every second knowing the clock is ticking and it about to abruptly come to an end. You know that Aunt Trixi. Why did she talk like it can be any different than what it is?

At least Andrew didn’t seem to take anything he may have overheard too seriously. From the look on his face, it hadn’t fazed him at all. Wish that was the case with me.

“Then you know I don’t have time to talk, and have to rush out,” I said.

“We can talk on the way. That is, if you want to. But don’t worry. I am familiar with family being…outspoken.”

“That’s an understatement. And for the record, my aunt is nothing compared to my mother,” I said, as I bent over to pull on my sneakers. I was dressed more casually than usual, but all that mattered was getting to the club. My clothes were the least of my worries.

“You should meet my mother,” Andrew said. “She has a knack for making you think you asked for her opinion when you never even opened your mouth,” he chuckled.

“Sounds like they read the same parenting manual. Let me brush my teeth and I’m ready.”

“You might want to put a comb through your hair as well. It looks like…” he walked over and whispered, “Tumbling around in bed all day.”

I gave him a playful slap on the arm when I brushed past him. But when I got into the bathroom, I found Andrew was right. I had so many snarls and knots in my hair that I wasn’t sure I was going to get them all out. Each well earned. I did the best I could, then opted to pull my hair into a bun on the top of my head. I’d need to deal with it later.

I headed out and found Andrew sitting in the driver’s seat. “No moose during the day, so I figured it would be safe for me to drive.”

I chuckled. “You win this one, but only because I’m too tired to argue with you.”

“Sleep is so overrated,” he said.

“I agree. But just as a warning, I might take a nap in my office later,” I smiled.

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