Don't Hesitate Don't Hesitate (The Reluctant Heart Book 3) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,23

won’t be here. Consider this my way of protecting my investment.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“It’s simple. If something happened to you, I’d have to wait months, maybe years before your estate was settled. I can’t wait that long to obtain this land.”

Anne opened her mouth as though preparing a sharp retort, but instead she slammed it shut and stomped away. It sucked knowing that I angered her, but at least she wasn’t arguing with me again.

I wasn’t there very long when Sugar approached me. “I don’t know who you are, but you shouldn’t talk to Trixi like that. She’s doing the best she can.”

I wasn’t used to hearing Anne called Trixi. “I’m sure she is.”

“You have no idea the pressure she’s under.”

“No, I don’t. Did you want to fill me in?” I asked, expecting Sugar to say no.

Instead Sugar said, “Carl put some strings on this place.”

“You mean liens?” I asked.

“No. The place is left to Trixi, but she has to own it for one year and make a profit, or she loses it.”

“So why doesn’t she sell it?” I asked. That would benefit me and seem to solve her problem as well.

“She can’t. The Treasured Chest must stay open for a year. If any of us lose our jobs, she loses everything. And it is not just her, either. I heard Carl put all his money in a trust for her parents and his ex. And we employees will lose out on our bonuses, too. See? She can’t sell it.”

I needed to get a copy of that will, because I wasn’t taking the word of a dancer. If it were true, it explained why Anne wouldn’t even ask me what I was offering. Her hands were tied.

“Thanks, Sugar. I’ll keep that all in mind when I speak with Anne, with Trixi.” Anne having the same name as her aunt was too damn confusing. She would always be Anne to me.

“Good, because she looked like she was about to cry when she walked by me,” Sugar said. “I think she’s still having a hard time with the loss of Carl. All this is an added burden that she might not be ready for.”

“Don’t worry about her. She’s tougher than you might think,” I stated.

Once alone, I leaned against the wall and tried to figure out why Trixi, Aunt Trixi, didn’t tell me about the will. She obviously knew that Anne’s hands were tied and there wasn’t anything I could do to change it.

I’ve wasted all this fucking time and now I have to wait another year. I can’t fucking believe it.

I’m not sure Sugar could’ve delivered me worse news. If this was true, there was no longer a reason for me to stay in Bermoose. The problem was, Anne couldn’t leave and she still needed someone to get her on track if she was forced to run this place. I made her a promise to make sure nothing happened to her until she had some protection here. I never break my word.

Guess we’re both stuck here.

That didn’t mean I was giving up. I’d worked too hard to just walk away without exploring every avenue. I stepped outside and called my attorney. “I need you to get a copy of a will.”

“Is the person deceased?” he asked.

“Yes. The man’s name was Carl Worth. He passed away a few weeks ago.”

“And what am I looking for?” he asked.

“There was a clause regarding the beneficiary. I want to see if there are any loopholes regarding The Treasured Chest,” I stated.

“Are you going to contest the will?” he inquired.

“No. Just need it so someone knows what actions they can take.” And how I can help nudge her in that direction.

“Okay. I’ll see about getting a copy from the courthouse. I’ll let you know once I have it.”

“And scan a copy to me as well.” I wanted to read it myself. Trust wasn’t something I gave to anyone fully.

“Give me a day or two and I’ll have it for you.”

“And be sure no one knows that I am the one who wants it. Understood?”

“Yes, Mr. Heart.” He ended the call and I headed to the back office.

I knocked on the door and opened it. Anne was sitting behind the desk with an ice pack on her arm. So you do listen when I talk. I opted not to rub it in. Instead, I said, “I came by to say sorry.”

“For what?” she asked.

“You told me not to come and I came anyway. My intentions are Copyright 2016 - 2024