Dominion (Guardian Angels) - By Melody Manful Page 0,75

herself because I told her that I was the one who killed her father. I wanted to tell her I didn’t, that I tried to save him, but what was the use? It wouldn’t bring her father back.

“Gideon didn’t kill your father,” Tristan said, and both Abigail and I turned to him.

“What? He didn’t?” Abigail looked confused now.

“After he saved you, he dived back into the water to save your father, but it was too late…he was already gone. And it wasn’t intentional that you saw him and he scared you. He didn’t mean to reveal himself.” I had almost forgotten that Tristan was there at the scene, and he could read my thoughts.

“You didn’t?” Abigail turned to me. “So I was the one who distracted my father because I screamed. And all the while I’ve been blaming you.”

“Hey.” I took her hands. “This wasn’t your fault. If you want to blame anyone, please blame me.”

“No, I can’t blame you. You tried to save him. You saved me, and I didn’t even thank you.”

“I didn’t tell you this so you could be sad, Abigail. I told you so you’d know Gideon didn’t take your father from you,” Tristan said.

Abigail walked over to him and said, “Thanks for telling me.” She hugged him. Afterwards she turned to me. “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”

I shook my head. “I have a rep to protect.”

“That’s a stupid reason,” she said through what seemed like a happy voice. “I want to see it. I want to see your world.”

“Grands?” I asked surprisingly.

“I want to see where you’re from.”

Tristan asked, “Are you sure?”

Abigail nodded. “I am, so call the…” She paused. “How do you guys go back and forth? Is there a portal or an invisible bus or something?”

“We’re angels, Abigail,” I laughed. “We fly, or we simply think of the place and we’re there. We fly most of the time though because we all love to fly.”

“Flying?” she asked. She didn’t sound very excited, “I’m not a fan of heights.” I found myself laughing again.

“And you’re in love with an angel?” Tristan asked. “I think you have a problem.”

I laughed together with Tristan. The irony! I knew heights weren’t the only problem Abigail had gotten herself into. For one, she was in love with me, the evilest angel alive.


“Of all the worst things I could do,

why, oh why, did I choose to be happy?”

Melody Manful


Abigail sat beside me on the floor of my room. Tristan had snapped his fingers and brought us all to my house. Abigail and I had been talking about places and things, and for once, I was happy, even though she wanted answers to a waterfall of questions.

“So you understand and speak every language, and you don’t sleep?” Abigail asked.

I nodded, “Angels are only able to sleep when they’re little, after you turn six, you are no longer able to sleep.”

“How is that?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never asked.” And I wasn’t going to.

“You should,” Abigail said with a teasing smile. “So Tristan is a prince. I didn’t see that one coming.”

“That’s not a question, Abby. It’s a fact.” An annoying one.

“All right, how about your sister, Valoel? Can she read minds?”

I laughed. “Why do you ask?”

“Because she answers my every thought, and she seems to know exactly what I’m about to do. I am pretty sure she can foresee the future and read minds.”

“I think she’s just a lucky guesser.”

“Okay, I’ve covered the basics. How about your parents—would they like me?” Abigail’s voice sounded timid when she asked this.

“My parents…” I had no idea what my parents would think, given the fact that I never really talked to them, and I did whatever I wanted. “They will love you.”

Abigail laughed. “You’re just saying that. Maybe they won’t like me.”

I found Abigail more and more adorable as I watched her struggle to keep a straight face. “Trust me. They would like you. I think.” This made both of us laugh, “Now, my turn for questions.”

“Fire away,” she said.

“How many ex-boyfriends are there?” I asked in a serious tone. “I’d like to pay them a visit.”

Abigail started laughing again. “A lot. There are at least fifteen, eighteen…” She stopped when she saw that my expression didn’t lighten up. “I was only joking. I…I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

This made me really happy, because I was thinking of killing her exes, if she had any. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“How about you—how many?”

“Thousands. I lost count.” Abigail’s mouth fell open. “Kidding, Copyright 2016 - 2024