Doin' a Dime (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #4) - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,35

y’all even met. His reputation is very… colorful.”

Lynn grunted out a laugh and then walked to the kitchen where he opened the fridge door.

“Wyett, would you like a drink?” he asked.

“I’ll have some of Six’s grape Kool-Aid,” I answered as I walked to my man and sat down next to him.

“You still haven’t told me why your hair is wet. You never leave the house with your hair wet. Is something wrong? Are you dying?” Six asked as she took the seat on Hunt’s other side.

Leaving Lynn to take the recliner after he handed me my drink.

“Thank you,” I replied softly.

Six leaned into Hunt, stole my glass, and took a large gulp before handing it back.

This being the norm for us, I took a sip before telling her what happened at Hunt’s parents’ house.

“Wow,” Beckham shook her head. “That’s one of my biggest fears. We got a pool when we were younger. About nine or ten. Dad made everyone who was under the age of five wear a life jacket. And if you couldn’t swim, you wore one, no matter what your age or if you could touch. It was really, really embarrassing when a sixteen-year-old would come over that couldn’t swim and he’d make them wear one. But my dad didn’t want anyone drowning on his watch. You just can’t be too careful.”

I liked this Beckham. She seemed sweet.

Her son was absolutely adorable, too.

“True.” I nodded. “And if I was going to go back over there to his parents’ house ever again, I might bring it up with them. But Hunt left things pretty final there. Apparently, I wasn’t quite what they envisioned when it came to suitable daughter-in-laws. I was, in fact, quite chunky to their tastes.”

“I prefer my salsa chunky,” Six said. “And my best friends.”

I rolled my eyes at Hunt’s snort of laughter.

“You were supposed to say I’m not chunky, husband,” I drawled.

His eyes took me in then, studying my face. “I prefer my salsa chunky, too. And my wife.”

I shook my head but stopped when he leaned over and whispered in my ear. “It gave me plenty to hold on to when we were…”

He trailed off when Six stuck her face practically beside his to listen.

“Keep going. What were you doing?” Six asked, practically leaned over Hunt.

I pushed her back with my cup.

“Back away, Sixmo.”

“Sixmo?” Hunt asked when she’d returned to her seat.

“Six plus emo.” Six rolled her eyes. “Do you want to know my nickname for Wyett when we’d first met? We weren’t really nice to each other at first. We both had our issues.”

I wanted Hunt to remain blissfully unaware of my nickname that Six had dubbed me with in school, but I’d used hers, so it was only fair that she used mine.

“I’d love to,” Hunt said, genuinely looking like he wanted to know.

Six grinned at me, stole my cup again, then took another drink.

“This is really fascinating,” Sin said from the couch beside the one I was sitting in. “It’s like watching a live-action film.”

“Believe me,” Lynn murmured as they waited to hear my name. “They’re quite entertaining.”

“I’m still waiting on the name,” Laric mumbled softly as he petted his cat that was always, for some reason, with him.

I’d have to make a mental note to ask Six about that later.

“Her name was Wyknot.” Six beamed as she leaned into Hunt. “What are you doing?”

“I’m looking into Wyknot’s aunt,” Hunt muttered distractedly.

But obviously he wasn’t too distracted, or he wouldn’t have heard my nickname.

I rolled my eyes.

“That’s cute,” Beckham said. “It could be worse, though. Everyone tried to call me Becky in high school. Um, no. Not even a little bit.”

“There was this one time,” Trouper said as he bounced his son on his lap. “That a really popular cheerleader called her that because she knew that she didn’t like it. Beckham punched her in the nose and nearly got suspended for a month. The only thing that kept her from actually being suspended was the fact that I was there, and I told the principal that Beckham didn’t punch her. The cheerleader fell and blamed it on her.”

I snorted. “Six was like that when we were in high school, too. It was amazing how many fights and suspensions I had to pull her out of.”

“I think we should go camping,” Six decreed. “Beckham, you should probably ask for a babysitter. Hunt, are you stealing someone’s money?”

“I’m not stealing money,” Hunt replied distractedly. “I’m moving it back into Wyett’s account where Copyright 2016 - 2024