Do you take this rebel - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,62

her, patting her back, handing her tissues and describing Cole in such unflattering terms that eventually even Cassie began to smile.

“He is not meaner and uglier than a hound dog,” she said, sniffing. “That’s the trouble. I’m only getting what I deserve.”

“Don’t be absurd,” Emma snapped. “You don’t deserve to be treated like this, abandoned on your wedding night.”

“You, of all people, know why we got married. This wasn’t a love match.”

“Oh, of course it was,” Lauren retorted, haughtily dismissing the claim. “And the sooner the two of you realize it, the sooner you can get on with the business of being married. Cole’s just being bullheaded.”

“I lied to him,” Cassie reminded her.

“And you’ve apologized. Jake’s in his life now. Cole needs to get over the past and move on.”

“Otherwise, I’ll be down at the courthouse first thing tomorrow filing for an annulment,” Emma threatened.

“I think I’m the one who’d have to do that,” Cassie teased, amazed at how much better she felt knowing these women were on her side. That they knew the whole story—or most of it—and loved her anyway.

Emma frowned. “You know what I meant. He is not going to get away with tormenting you.”

Karen, silent up until now, reached for Cassie’s hand. “Do you still love him?” she asked quietly.

“Of course I do,” she said without hesitation. Only in the past few days with misery building at the distance between them had she realized just how much.

“Have you told him that?”

“Not in so many words.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’d throw the words back in my face.”

Karen shook her head. “I don’t think so—but so what if he does? You just keep saying ’em till he gets the message. Don’t let pride stand in your way, Cassie. Life is too short to waste a single second of it.”

The message was powerful enough on its own, but coming from Karen, who’d so recently lost her beloved husband, it carried additional weight.

“Talk to him,” Karen insisted. “And do it now. Hanging around here with us isn’t solving your problem.”

Cassie wasn’t so sure about that. Being here with her friends had given her a sense of peace. Karen’s advice had solidified her resolve to make this marriage work. She stood up and gave each of her friends a hug.

“You guys are the best,” she said. “I knew if I came here I’d feel better.”

“Now go back there and give him hell,” Emma said.

“Tell him you love him,” Karen corrected, poking Emma in the ribs.

Emma sighed. “Whatever. But call me if you want to nail the guy’s hide in court.”

“Emma, you really do have to learn to express yourself less subtly,” Gina teased. “No one can ever figure out what you’re thinking.”

“Emma’s just a passionate defender of the underdog,” Lauren said. “There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s why she’s so good in court. Now leave her alone.”

“Yeah, leave me alone,” Emma said. “I’m not the same little wimp you guys used to walk all over.”

“Really?” Gina asked with exaggerated shock.

Cassie chuckled at all the bantering and left Karen’s with her heart lighter and her determination renewed. No matter how long it took, she was going to win Cole’s heart again.

Unfortunately, as the first weeks of her marriage crept by with no thawing of Cole’s attitude, Cassie slowly sank into despair again. Though the three of them—she, Cole and Jake—frequently shared meals, Cole made it a point never to be alone with her. Their conversations were limited to plans for the house and anything concerning their son. He didn’t discuss his work or his days, and he never asked about hers. The wall between them was getting thicker and thicker with each passing week. She began to think it would take a wrecking ball to break it down.

Thankfully, though, Cole’s chilly attitude didn’t extend to Jake. The time he spent with his son, making up for all the lost years, was the only thing that kept Cassie going. Their bond was growing stronger day by day, and Jake was flourishing with all of the male attention.

Coming back to the hotel after her shift at Stella’s, which she had refused to give up, she glanced into Cole’s office and saw them, their heads bent over the computer keyboard. Jake was peppering Cole with a thousand questions, which he answered with an endless supply of patience.

Cassie sighed heavily. Would her own relationship with her husband ever reach that stage again? Would there ever be the easy camaraderie they’d once shared? Only one thing gave her any Copyright 2016 - 2024