Do you take this rebel - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,39

like cool satin, but it warmed beneath his touch as if he’d stirred a fire to life below the surface. He rubbed the pad of his thumb across her lips and felt her shudder.

It took every bit of willpower he possessed not to claim her mouth and satisfy the urgency already building inside him. Not tonight, he warned himself. Taking advantage of her vulnerability was no way to win her heart. It would just give her more ammunition to use against him.

Slow and steady, he reminded himself. Like the tortoise. Winning, not speed, was the goal. In fact, in the past few weeks he’d begun to wonder how he’d ever lost sight of that goal, even for a single second.

Chapter Nine

Cassie alternated between pacing the hospital waiting room and huddling miserably in a corner, trying not to look at the other families. Each time she did, she saw her own fear reflected in their faces. It was more than she could bear.

Instead of thinking about what was going on in the operating room, she forced herself to think about Cole. He was the only distraction that stood a chance against the weight of her concern for her mother. Right now he and Jake were off on a shopping expedition, ostensibly to find something suitable for her mother.

“Just a little get-well gift,” Cole had assured her. “It will keep Jake’s mind off everything.”

She couldn’t fault him for wanting to do that for her son. In fact, there was very little she could fault him on these days. He had been nothing but kind and utterly thoughtful. It reminded her of why she’d fallen in love with him years ago.

It was driving her nuts.

Even the night before, when she had thought for sure he was going to take advantage of both proximity and her fragile emotional state, Cole had behaved like a perfect gentleman, backing off before things could get too heated.

His consideration was like a magnet. She wanted so badly to lean on him, to accept the comfort he was offering, but the past had taught her that the only person she could count on was herself. And her mother, of course.

Now, though, it was because of her mother’s health that she needed someone to help her be strong. And it would be folly to let Cole be that person, even for a second.

“There she is,” a familiar voice whispered.

Cassie’s gaze shot up to see her four best friends hovering in the doorway of the waiting room. Tears stung her eyes, then rolled down her cheeks. These were people she could trust, women who had always been there for her. When times got tough, the Calamity Janes had always hung together.

“You guys,” she murmured, crossing the room to be enfolded in a fierce group hug. “What are you doing here?”

“Did you honestly think we were going to let you go through this alone?” Karen chided.

“No way,” Lauren declared.

She was wearing jeans and a faded blouse and hiding behind a pair of oversize sunglasses and a floppy hat, but none of that could disguise the fact that she was the glamorous one among them. Hollywood had taught her too much for her ever to be the plain Jane of the group again.

“The Calamity Janes stick together through thick and thin, remember?” she said to Cassie.

Cassie gave her a watery smile. “I remember.”

“Any word yet?” Emma asked.

“Nothing. She’s still in surgery.”

Gina squeezed her hand. “Where’s Jake?”

“With Cole.”

Three pairs of eyes regarded her incredulously. Even Lauren removed her sunglasses long enough to stare.

“He volunteered to keep Jake occupied. What could I do?” Cassie asked defensively.

“Why is he even here in the first place?” Emma demanded in her best ready-to-charge-into-battle voice.

“He made the arrangements for Mom to be treated here, instead of in Laramie. In fact, come to think of it, how did you find out where we were? It all happened so fast I never even had a chance to call and let you know.”

“Lauren waved her magic wand and, poof, information was forthcoming. Then a jet appeared. The woman has contacts,” Gina said respectfully. She feigned an exaggerated bow. “I am in awe.”

“One of the few perks of stardom worth having,” Lauren said with a distinct edge to her voice. Then, before anyone could question her, she tucked an arm around Cassie’s waist. “Come on. Let’s sit down over here where we won’t be the center of attention. You doing okay, sweetie?” She whipped open a bag, and cups of gourmet coffee appeared Copyright 2016 - 2024