Do you take this rebel - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,18

it out. “Here’s a roll of tape. I don’t know what Hallie used when she put them up, but it’s not holding.”

She leveled a look straight into his eyes, the somber look of a general sending troops into battle. “I’m counting on you to fix it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, amused and somewhat relieved to have a task that was actually within his capabilities and not fraught with the emotional repercussions of his anticipated confrontation with Cassie.

“I mean it,” Mimi Frances said with an authority that came from being class president for three years running, or maybe from being the mother of five rambunctious boys. “I’m counting on you, Cole.”

“These streamers won’t budge before next Christmas, Mimi Frances,” he assured her. “Now go on with whatever you need to be doing and leave this to me.”

She nodded. “I’ll send someone in to help as soon as I can spare them.”

The fact that she thought he needed help rankled a bit, but Cole ignored it and went to work. He was at the top of a ladder, balanced precariously, when he realized he was no longer alone. He looked straight down into Cassie’s familiar green eyes. She stared back unhappily.

“So, Mimi Frances recruited you, too,” he said mildly, all too aware that she wasn’t one bit happy about being stuck with him, even in this very public setting.

“That woman could run the entire U.S. government without breaking a sweat,” Cassie muttered. “I’m fairly certain I told her I was not climbing any ladders.”

“Then it’s fortunate she paired you up with me. I’m not scared of heights,” Cole said, trying not to stare too hard at the sexy little black dress that revealed way too much cleavage, at least from this angle.

“I’m not scared of heights, either,” Cassie retorted, indignant patches of color promptly flaring in her cheeks. “I beat you to the top of the town water tower, if I remember correctly.”

“So you did,” he agreed, grinning. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I’d like to see you climb anything in this dress.”

“Honey, if I were in that dress, we’d have bigger problems at this reunion than the falling streamers.”

A chuckle erupted, just as he’d intended, but she was quick to choke it back. Clearly, she wasn’t quite ready for a thaw in the icy distance between them.

He gazed down at her. “Don’t stop. I always liked hearing you laugh.”

Her gaze narrowed. “Don’t go there, Cole.”

“Go where?”

“You know.”

“To the past? Isn’t that what this reunion is all about? Can you think of a better time to think about what used to be?”

“I suspect you and I have very different memories about what used to be.”

He nodded. “Based on our conversation yesterday, I’d say you’re right about that.”

He was about to use the opening to pursue the topic, when Mimi Frances bustled up.

“Stop chatting,” she ordered briskly. “We only have a few more minutes.”

“Everything is going to go beautifully,” Cassie reassured her. “The gym looks sensational. And Cole only has one or two more streamers to secure. Go outside, Mimi Frances, and take a deep breath, then sit back and enjoy yourself. You’ve outdone yourself. It looks prettier in here than it did on prom night—and that’s saying a lot.”

“I don’t have time to enjoy myself,” Mimi Frances snapped, refusing to bask in the praise or take the advice. “Somebody has to see to all the details. I’d like to know who it’s going to be, if not me.”

“Delegate,” Cole advised. “You got me on this ladder, didn’t you?”

Mimi Frances looked flustered for a second, then a smile spread across her face. “Yes, I did, didn’t I? Well, let me just go outside and see who’s lurking about with nothing to do. Thanks, Cole.”

He gave her a wink. “Any time, Madam President.”

Mimi Frances went off in search of more recruits. Cole came down the ladder, slid it a few feet across the floor, then turned to Cassie. “Okay, your turn.”

“My turn?” she echoed blankly. “To do what?”

“You were assigned streamer duty, too. So far, I’m the only one who’s done a lick of work. How could you stand there and look Mimi Frances in the eye, knowing that you hadn’t done a blessed thing she asked you to? That woman is counting on us. The success of this entire reunion rests on our shoulders.”

“Oh, please,” Cassie said with a groan. “Besides, you’re doing a fine job. I’ll hold the ladder.”

“Not that I don’t trust you, darlin’, but I think I like the idea of me holding Copyright 2016 - 2024