Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,92

his to chair to Dixie’s side of the table. She gave both men her business card, then took a seat. After a brief smile at Dix, Lumin didn’t mince words. “Are you holding my client for questioning, or charging her?”

Dean leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “No charges have been laid. We wanted to talk with her.”

“Good. Now you’re talking with me. My first question is why you didn’t allow my client to put on some clothes prior to bringing her down to the department and parading her through a public area half-dressed? Did she resist arrest or pose a threat?”

Det. Dean shook his head. “I wasn’t the arresting officer.”

“What evidence do you have that Miss Hammond is in any way involved with the death of Mr. Kallis?”

Blanchard’s handsome brow creased with humor. A slip of a smile tugged one side of his mouth. A cocky look, as far as Dix was concerned.

He tilted his head. “Motive. A registered weapon with the same make and model as the one used to kill Kallis. Presence at the scene of the crime.”

Lumin must have sensed Blanchard’s asshat character, but didn’t let it ruffle a single feather. “Where did the crime occur?”

Blanchard leaned back in his chair, looking relaxed. “Ardon Corporation’s office. Downtown San Diego.”

Lumin didn’t take notes, she kept her eyes pinned to whoever spoke. “Where was the body found?”

Dixie couldn’t believe Lumin’s professional transformation. Sharp. Like, razor sharp. This wasn’t the gal she’d gotten drunk with on margaritas the other night.

“He was found in an office on the fifth floor,” Dean answered.

“And you have proof that Dixie was on the fifth floor in this office?”

The young detective’s smug expression seemed to think he had this case in the bag. “We have video proof Miss Hammond was at the front door of the building near the time of his death.”

“Ah, I see.” Lumin nodded. “I’m unaware of a magic bullet that can get from the front door to the fifth floor of a building. Do you have proof Dixie was in the building?”

“No,” Dean said.

“She entered another way,” Blanchard added.

Lumin didn’t pause for a breath before firing another question at the detective. “Video cameras are mounted at all entrances of corporate buildings. Do you have other video footage supporting your claim?”

Blanchard straight white teeth scraped over his bottom lip. “Not at this time.”

Lumin forked her fingers on the table. “Any other circumstantial evidence you’d like to relay to me before you release Miss Hammond?”

“We can hold her for twenty-four hours.” Blanchard seemingly didn’t like getting taken to the cleaners by a beautiful blonde.

“So you plan to charge an innocent woman, without direct evidence that puts her at the scene of the crime. In fact, you mean to victimize my client after she has been victimized by a stalker for twelve years.”

Blanchard shrugged. “In twenty-four hours we’ll know if her weapon is a match to the one used to kill Kallis. Besides, we can hold her up to ninety-six hours if we believe she is the murderer. As an attorney, you should know that.”

Unfettered by his insult, Lumin offered her own kick in the ass. But her response put it through the goal posts. “Unfortunately, you can believe in unicorns and pixie dust, but what you believe isn’t the issue. Evidence is the issue.” Lumin’s gaze swerved to Det. Dean. “You know full well there is another party who has even more motivation to murder Kallis than Dixie. Is she being questioned as well? If not, I’ll go to the DA and explain it to him myself.”

“Who might that be?” Blanchard asked, trying in vain to unsettle Lumin.

Lumin ignored him, keeping her attention on Det. Dean. “Detective, I think your gut knows Dixie isn’t guilty of this crime. Think you also know the group of Special Operators climbing the walls in your lobby will go full metal jacket finding the truth. They’re just as capable, if not more, as the police force.”

Dean didn’t agree or disagree. “My job is to find the real murderer.”

Not to be shut out of the party, Blanchard added, “Senator Kallis’s son was the CEO of a large corporation. A philanthropist who gave to children’s organizations. A man respected in the business community.”

Dixie wanted to throw up and she’d bet a million pieces of gold, so did Lumin.

Tony’s wife finally turned her gaze toward Blanchard. “Do you have a sister, detective?”

His brow furrowed. “Yes, why?”

“Do you rape her like Chandler did to Melodie Kallis? Did you even

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