Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,72

and I know you’re a victim. I know you think you’re trapped in a world you can’t escape.” He shrugged. “Been there.”

Cracker nodded toward the empty chair. Melodie hesitated, then slowly sat down.

He sighed inwardly. Step one achieved.

“Who are you?” she asked, still very wary.

Cracker grinned. “I’m not a cop and don’t belong to a three-lettered agency. My name’s Ed.”

Melodie gripped her purse with all ten fingers. “For some reason, you know my name.”

“I do. But I know more than that, and I guess…” The irony of the situation crossed his mind. “Your entire life is wrapped in layers of lies. None of it is your fault. I’m not here to add more lies. I know what your brother does to you.”

Her mouth gaped open. “How…?”

Instinctively, he wanted to cover her hand. Hold it. What called to him was the silent scream for help that she withheld, and he recognized. In Melodie’s case, touching her would be the worst thing he could do. Trust was built in small increments. The way Mr. Wagner had done with him.

“Listen, this shithole is no place for either of us. Why don’t we relocate to a better part of El Cajon and get something to eat.” He glanced at her purse, resting on her lap. The words he chose would earn trust or convey judgement. He wanted to avoid the latter. “If you need a hit, I understand, but I’m hoping you’ll wait and hear me out.”

Melodie’s forehead creased, her eyes no longer wary. Mostly they reflected fear, but there was also a flicker of hope.


Three hours later, Ed parked his SUV on Orange Avenue across the street from the Erotic Bean, in front of Nado Baked Goods. He’d already called CDR Hunter with a debrief after spending two hours with Melodie. Ed never admitted to being a SEAL. She often peppered him with questions. He responded by diverting from the details and gave her a chance to air the truth. Release the internal pressure, even by a little.

An hour and forty minutes into their conversation, she’d finally said, “If you’re here to be my knight in shining armor, I’m not worth saving.”

With a swipe of his arms, he’d slid the coffee cups and plates cluttering the table between them and leaned toward her. His gaze locked on hers. He’d been waiting for this. “Your brother and father’s sins aren’t yours to carry. I guarantee you don’t have to accept the lies. Today, I just wanted to hold up a mirror so you can see yourself clearly. I have proof that you have another life waiting for you when you’re ready.”

She’d timidly asked how. He briefly explained, without mentioning Kayla’s name. Gave a summarized version of her abuse and what happened once she’d chosen to shake the chains of her abusers.

At the end of their conversation he hadn’t learned much except that Chandler and his father were at odds with each other. She didn’t know why. Melodie never copped to any illegal activity perpetrated by her parent and brother, only her abuse and that her mother was dead. Apparently by suicide, which Ed highly doubted.

A tap on the passenger window drew his attention. He pressed the button on his door and the window lowered.

“Hey, sorry to bother you,” Avis said, sporting a nervous smile. She glanced over her shoulder at the bakery. “I was cleaning up and saw you outside. Everything all right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She chuckled. “You’re a man of few words. Are…are you hungry?”

He didn’t want to come across as an asshole. Spending two hours with Melodie had drained him. “No, I had a late lunch.”

Avis reminded him of a ray of sunshine. Smiling. Glowing. A beautiful blonde with sugar plums dancing above her head. Her pretty blue eyes filled with innocence, so unlike Melodie.

Chandler’s sister had eventually admitted she had crack in her purse. The darkness that still existed in him hinted he should join Melodie for a hit. Well aware of the trail of destruction if he allowed himself to follow her down that path, he ignored the internal plea.

Avis thrust both her shoulders upwards. “Okay, well…You’re welcome to drop by any time when you want to cheat on your strict diet.”

A guy with his past and present nature didn’t bode well for the bakery store owner with her sugar cookie personality.

Avis stepped away from the window and waved goodbye when Mr. Wagner crossed his mind.

Son, my Liz was a God fearin’ woman with a heart of gold. By the time I’d

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