Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,25


“Or a smart one!” Cricket interjected.

Josh nodded at Rayne to go ahead.

“I’ve been researching the different types of psychopathy. They’re said to struggle with feeling empathy or remorse. They form deep attachments to people or ideas that can lead to dangerous behavior. Plenty of people have psychopathic tendencies but lead normal lives. One of the risk factors are the environment where they grew up.”

Josh gnawed on his upper lip. “So, he might be a victim of sexual violence or abuse.”

Cricket nodded. “Possibly. Violent and manipulative psychopaths are amazing liars. They’re driven by impulse, even though they’re rational. If the guy chasing Dixie is highly intelligent, and many are, he knows you’re after him, CDR Hunter. He might try to lead you in the wrong direction with a red herring.”

The admiral added, “Or he’s a narcissist who believes he can’t be caught, which is usually their downfall. Commander, you’ll have to choose a path to follow until it reaches a dead end or you have him cornered.”

Rayne glanced at Josh with an expression of concern. “That’s true. They often appear kind and harmless until it’s too late. One common element is they view everyone as inferior to them. If you’ve got the right guy and that ring is for real, then it probably means he comes from money and that would feed into his psychopathy.”

Josh rubbed his jaw, pondering his enemy. “Also means he has connections, which explains how he’s been able to follow Dixie for the last twelve years. Jesus, I wish we could bring the BAU in on this but as far we know, he hasn’t harmed anyone.”

“As far as you know,” the admiral echoed. “Problem is, you don’t know. I suspect he has. You just don’t have the bread crumbs yet.”

Cricket folded her arms across her chest. “Sir, the medical study behind psychopaths is vast. I don’t know if NCIS can perform a search to track Dixie’s movements over the last twelve years and cross examine that against the number of sexual assaults or murders, but if they can, that’s where I’d start.”

“Too vast,” Ghost said. “There’s a lot of sick bastards in this great country of ours. NCIS and police data systems would be shitting out reams of possible leads.”

Nina crossed her legs and hooked her forked fingers over her kneecap. “Maybe not, Admiral.” She shifted her attention to Josh. “Rayne told me Dixie started receiving the notes in New York.”

“That’s correct. About four months after she started working at a trading and import firm.”

“Then that’s where I’d look first. Someone who comes from money. His parents had the funds to send him to an Ivy League college. My gut tells me this guy had access to her. A lot of access. Enough to create a twisted fascination about her. I’m willing to bet he’s a sexual psychopath, from the notes she’s received. Especially the one about binding her ankles and hands and…well, that tells me he’s overdosing on a sexual fantasy. Since he hasn’t made his move yet, he probably played it out with other women.”

The admiral pursed his lips, then nodded. “With money, he has options. He could satiate the fantasy at a BDSM club, hire a prostitute or entice a woman with the offer of money. Finding his current sexual outlet would take manpower and thousands of hours.” Austen shook his head. “The fastest way to end this is do what I did. Draw the bastard out of the shadows.”

Josh considered the same thing. “I don’t have a lot of time to catch this guy. We’re deploying in August. I need to pick up the pace.”

Ghost glanced at Nina’s monitor. “We’ll keep an eye on the coffeehouse. This guy wants Dixie. Make your relationship public. He’ll see it as a threat.”

He cleared his throat. “We don’t have a relationship.”

Red and Ghost both raised a brow.

“We don’t.” He glanced at Rayne, who smiled, but written on her face was the same doubt as the rest of his audience. “He’ll come back to the shop. I just have to wait. Next time he shows, I’ll follow him.”

“He knows who you are, Commander,” Rayne said. “If he sees you, he won’t get near the Erotic Bean.”

The hatch to the comm center opened and Lt. Elijah Bach stepped inside. When he reached the group, he glanced at the video paused on the stalker’s hand.

Rayne continued. “I’m in the Erotic Bean all the time. If he’s watching the place, I won’t look out of the ordinary. If I see

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