Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,122

lot. You always appear so strong. As if nothing can hurt you.”

“That’s me,” she said in a small voice.

“No, it’s not. And I’m not making things any better.” He played poker once in a while, but he wasn’t great at the game. “If you want me to leave you alone, I will.”

A pregnant pause ensued before, she answered. “Yeah, okay.”

It would have hurt less if she’d stabbed him in the chest with a jagged knife. Until now, catching Chandler ate up every ounce of his waking hours. Now that Dixie’s stalker was gone, Josh mistakenly thought the gates would open. Why was she afraid to step forward?

He shifted in his seat to look at her. “Yeah, okay? What’s happening here, because I’m not following? You’re safe and free of Chandler. That’s all—”

She gazed out the windshield. “I’m safe…but not free of him. I know that sounds crazy and probably makes no sense to you.”

He took in her lovely profile, wishing he could change the past. Ghost had warned him that what happened to Dix would never heal completely. She needed to believe if things got rocky, he wouldn’t leave. Her whole life had been spent walking on a rug that could be yanked from beneath her feet. Josh needed to be her solid ground.

“It’s not crazy. I know he was the last man to touch you. If that’s what you’re worried about, I don’t expect—”

Her brow crushed together. “I avoided seeing you this week to give you a chance to steer clear of me.”

Say what?

He couldn’t help himself and chuckled. “Sweetheart, why in the hell would I want to do that?”

Dixie cleared her throat. “You came roaring out of the bushes, and it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with you again.” She sniffed. “You’re leaving on deployment, and I’m already scared to death of losing you. That’s not healthy. It’s not right.” She shook her head.

Josh grinned and his heart swelled with relief. “No, sweetheart, I’m not.”

“What?” Her eyes widened.

“Following in Ghost’s steps doesn’t mean I have to stand in every footprint he left behind. My career is important, but not more important than you. I’m not going anywhere in August.”

With an unexpected flurry of movement, she scrambled over the console and straddled his lap, then kissed him. Not sweetly, but with heat and hunger. Josh thread his fingers through her silky hair, feasting on her mouth, accepting every desperate kiss. Her delicate fingers dug into his shoulders as if clinging for dear life.

Awww, sweet Dixie. To calm her down, he cupped her face in his hands, then gently placed a soft, healing kiss on her mouth. “Chandler is dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.” Josh brushed his mouth against her pillowy lips again.

Her pretty gaze landed on him with a thousand unspoken questions. “I don’t want to stifle you.”

Was she kidding?

Her brow pinched together. “I don’t know what’s too much or too little in a relationship.”

Josh swept his thumb along her cheek. “If anybody is going to stifle anyone, it’s me. I want to be the man you depend on. If it’s too much, tell me to go to hell and I’ll reluctantly give you space. When you’re ready to have all of me, all you have to do is ask, sweetheart.”

She inhaled a shaky breath and gazed into his eyes. “I’m asking now.”

By the time they were horizontal, she’d already loosened his belt and released his zipper. The next few seconds erupted into sensual chaos. Her jeans were gone, her t-shirt tossed on the passenger seat. Thank fucking God for cab seating.

He palmed her gorgeous breasts. “Oh, goddamn, you feel so good.” His hands couldn’t move fast enough to touch all of her.

The frenzy blinded him. He devoured her mouth and when her hot core slid over his erection, there was no turning back.

She rode him hard, her firm nipples rubbing against his chest.




Dixie’s wet channel spasmed as she cried out with her release. Josh was right there with her, quaking and coming inside her heat. Her warm breath washed past his ear, and her body shuddered. It wasn’t a surprise when tears rolled down her cheeks.

Not a couple drops, but a purging. He wrapped his arms around her silky body and grieved right along with her.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s over. It’s all over,” he whispered.

She lifted her head, her cheeks wet. “The men you lead are incredible. They love their families. Their wives are amazing women. I’m so proud of what you accomplished.

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