Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,11

it plain that you don’t, but it doesn’t mean I can’t take care of your problem. Which I will.” He stood. “Get moving. I’ll be right behind you.”

Josh was more of a threat than her stalker. She’d have to keep her wits about her and her ex at arm’s length.

Chapter Three

Josh knew a good card player never gave away his hand with a poker tell. The same could be said for a Special Operator. The rule always applied when engaging the enemy, but Dixie wasn’t his enemy.

She was the exception to every rule.

He’d found that out the hard way when she put the brakes on their wedding. Josh had responded without thinking things through and shut her out. Ended their relationship. He’d expected her to cry, maybe try to convince him otherwise. Dixie did neither. She’d straightened her shoulders and walked away. At eighteen, he’d been an arrogant prick. Not to be outdone, he’d packed a bag and joined the Navy.

Took a few months before he’d taken ownership of his mistake. A rash impulse to hurt her because she’d slaughtered him. But what he’d just revealed to Dix about him letting her go only came later, when his heart stopped aching.

Three hundred and fifty million people in the US. What were the chances he’d run into her again?

He watched Dixie back out of her parking space, roll down the alley, and turn onto the street before he returned to his truck.

Without the moon, he didn’t see the paper under his windshield wiper until he reached the truck. Ten guesses and the first nine didn’t count. He flipped the sheet open.

“Stay away from her. She belongs to me.”

The guy must have a discount at Staples. Josh laughed out loud, in case her stalker was still around, then opened the driver’s door while taking a survey of hidey holes in the back lane. One thing was for certain, the asshole knew Dixie’s routine already.

Josh got behind the wheel and started the engine, then called Lt. Elijah Bach on his Bluetooth.

“Hey, Josh. Late call,” his buddy stated.

Shifting the truck into drive, he slowly headed down the pitted, gravel roadway. “I’ve got the stalker’s attention.”

“You know this because?”

“He left a note on my windshield. I followed Dix when she closed shop.”

“Note addressed to her or you?”

“Warned me to stay away from her.” A chuckle sounded on the other side of the line, as well as movement of crisp bed sheets. “Wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?”

“If I’m anywhere in arm’s reach of Rayne, ah, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “She’s on duty with Nina tomorrow. Ditz is going to pick up Dixie’s video from the shop and they’ll review it at Base Command. Rayne’s worried. She asked me if Dix could stay with us. I don’t have a problem with that. We have plenty of room.”

Ditz was Alpha Squad’s communications expert. Josh had quickly been impressed. The man could remotely reprogram a nuclear sub if he wanted. The special operators in Alpha Squad were top tier SEALs. Some faces had changed since Thane Austen was their commander, but the original squad, including Mace Callahan and Tony “Tinman” Bale, who weren’t active in the field anymore, were a tight-knit band of brothers.

“Thank Rayne for the offer, but not necessary.”

“Figured you’d be pulling private frogman duty. I spoke with Alpha Squad today. They want to help. What’s your plan?”

Turning the steering wheel, Josh swung a right onto the street and a quick right onto Orange Avenue. “After this many years of being tracked, Dix has to be at the end of her rope. I want to put her mind at ease. If I’m already gettin’ love letters from this piece of crap, won’t be long till he makes a move.”

Elijah paused, then said, “You sure Dixie’s stress isn’t about seeing you, buddy? Think your ex is still harboring a little ill will. Rayne told me she ended up with a full metal jacket of harassment from her family when you split your hometown.”

“We were kids, for fuck’s sake. Besides, I apologized to Dix.”

Elijah chuckled like he knew better. “I’m here to tell ya, one apology is not enough.”

Rayne suddenly came on the phone. “He’s right. Dixie is still steaming over you up and leaving without a word, sir.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Thank you for that confirmation, Miss Levy.”

He found it more than odd that his best friend was shacked up with one of Base Command’s tactical analysts. A woman who fell under Josh’s command. The guy was

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