Disorderly Conduct - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,86

Spider, lounged near the garages, watching impassively.

He gave me a head nod as I stepped out of the Jeep, careful of a half-smashed milk carton on the ground. Nick soon joined me, putting his body between me and the club members.

I swallowed and turned toward the building, my gaze searching. No Aiden, and I didn’t see the truck he’d been in earlier.

Detective Pierce strode out of a lower level apartment and straight at us. My stomach wobbled just a little. Pierce in a bullet-proof vest over pressed black slacks was something to look at. Big and broad and suddenly looking more appealing than I’d noticed. The rain darkened his already dark blond hair, and he yanked off his refractive glasses as he reached us. “No Devlin and no printout of a map or anything else,” he confirmed.

Nick sighed. “Drugs or guns or anything?”

“Nope,” Pierce confirmed. “They’ve cleaned the place up real nice since our last raid. The dogs haven’t even gotten a hit.” He glanced down at me. “Want to go through Devlin’s apartment with me? See if there’s anything that gives you a clue to where he’s gone?”

“Sure.” I shivered in the rain; glad I’d worn Tessa’s sweater. “What about the Lordes’ place of business at the garage in Washington?”

“Already called the DEA, and they were able to obtain a federal search warrant based on the information in your Idaho warrant,” Pierce confirmed, turning and ducking his head as the rain increased in force. “I’ve also requested the other DEA case files of Devlin’s earlier arrests before he joined the Diablo Riders.”

I followed, letting the rain cool my face, which heated way too fast at the mention of Aiden’s name. Oh, I’d screwed up, that was for sure. Yet something in me didn’t quite regret the morning with him. Maybe I was the one screwed up. We walked up worn concrete stairs to the second floor and entered the first door on the left.

The place smelled like Aiden. Wild, free, and leather. “What do you hope the additional DEA files will tell you?” I asked, looking around.

Pierce shrugged. “For one thing, how did Devlin escape arrest when most of the Diablo’s were hauled in?”

Good question. Of course, it seemed that Aiden was smarter than the average drug dealer. For sure. I breathed in his scent, wishing I didn’t know it so well. His living area was sparse with an old green sofa and gold chair. One lone framed picture sat on the sofa table of him and his Grams, probably taken when he was around sixteen. I picked it up, noting his genuine smile and too serious eyes.

He’d had that look from the beginning. “I understand his childhood was traumatic before he left Ireland,” I murmured.

“A lot of people have crappy childhoods,” Pierce said, taking the picture and sliding the back off to look for evidence. Just the photo was in there. “Most of them don’t sell drugs or commit assaults.” He tossed the entire bundle on the sofa, where it bounced.

I couldn’t help myself. I picked it up and set the picture to rights, securing it inside the frame before setting it back down. Then I looked some more. Aiden’s kitchen held an old toaster and microwave with no dishes in the sink. The fridge revealed a couple of takeout cartons and a six-pack of beer.

Then I turned for his bedroom, which was also neat. Clothes were folded nicely in the drawers.

A male tech shimmied from beneath the bed, tugging out a red lace bra. “Thirty-Six D,” he said, bagging it before drawing out two thongs, one black and one a hot pink. “Size four and size six. This guy gets around,” the tech murmured.

“There are club bunnies,” Pierce muttered. “They think motorcycle gangs are sexy.”

I wasn’t sure about the club, but Aiden Devlin was definitely sexy. Chances were he didn’t have trouble finding female companionship. The guy could really kiss. Jealousy tried to rear inside me, and I slapped that bitch down. Not now.

Pierce’s phone buzzed and he lifted it to his ear. “Pierce.” Then his face cleared, and his eyes blazed. “Excellent. Thank you for the speed.”

I paused. “What?”

“Based on the information you provided, I finally got a warrant to dump Devlin’s phone. Guess who he has been in contact with a lot the last few months?”

I held my breath. “Who?”

“Melvin Whitaker.” Pierce smiled, and the sight was less than pleasant. “It’s time to drag them both in.” The dark amusement slid from his face like

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