Disorderly Conduct - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,68

claiming Pauley’s seat on the tabletop. “I was walking by the beach and saw him, and he knew who I was instantly, so I sat, and we chatted. He doesn’t seem to need therapy.”

“Unlike me?”

“Oh, you definitely need therapy,” Wanda said, her eyes sparkling. “Rumor has it the anniversary card from Jareth Davey this year came to your home address and not the post office box.”

I blew out air. Why couldn’t there be one secret in my life? “Yeah. Which means he knows where I live.” I held up a hand before she could talk. “Yes, that scares me. And yet? It also fills me with a sense of anticipation. I’ve been waiting for him to make a move for too many years. Isn’t it about time?”

“I’m not sure about that.” She leaned to the side to study me.

“I am so tired of just reacting to whatever some man is doing in my life,” I muttered. Every year I waited for that blasted card. Now I was trying to fight Aiden on saving himself, and apparently, I’d been expertly manipulated to do just that by Nick Basanelli. “I really have to stop kissing men I shouldn’t. No matter how sexy they are.”

Wanda turned all the way and crossed her legs beneath her on the table. “Now that sounds more interesting. Let’s talk.”

The shrink fit right in with my family, and I kind of liked her. Well, I totally liked her. For now, I needed to handle my own problems. My spine straightened. “No. It’s time to stop talking.” I jumped off the table. I had to figure out the Lorde’s involvement in the Beast trade, and there was only one place for me to go for that—Melvin’s. But first, reconnaissance with Thelma and Georgina to get some more background information and maybe brownies or muffins. “This has been good. You’re a decent shrink, Cousin Wanda, and I think this counts for our meeting today, so please cancel my afternoon appointment. I’ll see you later.”

Yeah. I was done waiting.

Chapter 25

I listened to a hard rock station on the way to the retirement community, trying to pump myself up. Melvin Whitaker hadn’t exactly asked for a lawyer the other day, so I could talk with him unless he said he was represented by counsel. If I got any answers from him, I would track down Aiden next. Rain splashed down as if in disagreement.

Thank goodness I’d left the top of my car attached.

For now, I wondered if Thelma had any more of those chocolate chip muffins as I parked in the driveway and walked to their door to get a little more information before I confronted Melvin. The area was quiet, and no sounds came from the attached duplex. Was Melvin even home? I rang Thelma’s doorbell, peering around the calm community. Peace and quiet thrummed through the neighborhood. No answer. Darn it. My stomach growled, even though I’d eaten plenty of pancakes earlier. Well, I might as well try Melvin’s place. Maybe he’d talk to me. Wondering if I should call Nick with an update, even though he was an ass, I walked past the bright flowers to the driveway.

I made it past my car and was half-way up Melvin’s walkway when the door caught my eye. It had been smashed open.

Just then, a huge guy with pocked skin walked out.

I froze, staring at him. Oh God. I knew him. He was one of the shooters from the brown van the other day. I hadn’t been able to describe him, but now facing him…there he was. He’d been shooting at either Randy or Aiden. Probably Randy, considering he was dead. The guy’s eyes widened as he stilled, too.

His buddy came out behind him.

There wasn’t time to get in my car and start it. Totally going on instinct, I pivoted, ran around my car, and barreled up to Thelma’s door to frantically twist the knob. Shockingly, the door opened. They hadn’t locked it? Gasping, my head reeling, I lunged inside to slam and lock the door. Running boots echoed their way up the driveway. I yanked my phone from my back pocket and called 911. “Um, I think I’m in trouble,” I whispered as the operator answered.

“Your name and what trouble?” the very calm woman asked.

“Well, these two guys shot at me the other day, and now they’re trying to get into this house.” I gave the address, my heart beating so hard it hurt. “Tell Detective Pierce that it’s Anna Albertini,

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