Disorderly Conduct - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,40

she blurted out, “you probably don’t want to leave it like it is.”

Biting my lips, I leaned forward and opened my robe. Oh no. There was one huge strip missing. It looked like I was wearing half of a toupee. A minor one. I wasn’t all that hairy to start with, but it really didn’t look good. I thought quickly for a moment. This pain had to lead to something. “This would be easier with a pot brownie, if you know what I mean. Have one?”

She blinked. “Um, no. That’s kind of illegal.”

I looked back down. There was a good chance no one would be near the area before the missing hair could regrow. “How long can it take to grow back?” I wiped my nose on my sleeve, my hoarse voice echoing around the peaceful room.

“Up to eight weeks.” She glanced again at the door.

Yeah, lady. Freedom was on the other side—for both of us. “Eight weeks?” There was a good chance, a really good chance, that nobody would be anywhere near this area of my body. But still. “Do you know where I could get something to mellow me out?” I tried again.

“No.” She gestured to the table.

Fine. I barely kept from glaring at her as I climbed back onto the table. My head hit the pillow, my hands covering my face. I had to find some sort of information on drugs, or this was so not worth it.

“Though I’m sure you can find brownies across the state border.” Her deep breath echoed around the room as she moved back into place. Warm wax blanketed me again. Then the paper. She yanked.

“Holy crap!” I kicked out a leg. The metal tray shot across the room. Mandy leapt into action, grabbing the crockpot before it could hit the floor. Her elbow flew out, knocking into the light switch by the door.

I reached forward to help just as the room plunged into darkness. Startled, I tumbled in a heap to the hard floor, and Mandy’s legs tangled with mine. She landed on top of me with a muffled ‘oomph.’ The breath whooshed out of my lungs as pain flared along my chest.

We sat motionless in the darkness for a couple of beats.

Her sigh filled the silence. Then she scrambled to her feet, and light flooded the room again. I climbed back onto the table, my robe parting in the middle.

I leaned up, taking a good look. I wasn’t done yet. “Sorry,” I mumbled as I lay back down.

Mandy’s giggle was full of nerves as she pulled the tray back into place. She made quick work of the remaining areas. While I swore quite a bit, I managed to stay still and not kick anything else. When she had transformed me to billiard ball smoothness, she sighed, her relief apparently greater than mine. Hard to imagine.

I stumbled bowlegged back to the Zen room, wanting to kill somebody—pretty much every man I knew. There I sipped ice water, waiting in the plush chair. My nether regions smarted painfully.

Going undercover was for the birds. I closed my eyes and concentrated on quieting the noise in my head.

“Anna?” The voice was soft and came from far away.

I jerked awake, instantly surrounded by flutes and a frog. Ah, crap. Blinking, I turned to see Randy Taylor’s blonde friend in the doorway, wearing the standard spa uniform. “I’m Anna.”

She smiled. “I’m Cheryl. Would you like to follow me?”

Last time I’d followed somebody out of the Zen lounge, I’d ended up naked and waxed. “Sure.” Gingerly holding my robe together, I stood and followed her, passing Tessa just heading in.

She limped; her knuckles white as she clutched her robe together. “I’m going to freaking kill you,” she hissed in my ear as she staggered into the lounge.

I snorted and followed Cheryl; my mood lifted. Now that was funny. She led me into a quiet room with a pedicure chair, and I gingerly sat, plopping my feet in the warmly delicious water. I groaned. “I could use a good joint right now.”

Cheryl chuckled and took her chair, leaning over to scrub an exfoliant over my calves. “Just relax. I heard you yelling a little while ago, and now you’re fine.” She looked up, her eyes dancing. “I know it’s a pain, but think how happy your boyfriend will be.”

I let the water soothe me. She’d given me the perfect opening. “Yeah, no kidding. Do you have a boyfriend?”

“I do.” She ducked her head to splash water over my

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