Disorderly Conduct - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,100

wouldn’t be home for hours. No movement showed at Melvin’s, either.

Pierce made hand gestures like they did on television and then drew his weapon. He went toward the front door and disappeared inside the house while the other two officers headed for the sides, their guns also out.

The curtains at Melvin’s rustled, and I turned to see better. He peeked out, caught sight of me, and quickly shoved the material back into place. My heart beat even faster and I shifted my weight, careful to grab my gun if I needed it. The curtains settled and then there was no movement.

Just then, Charles’ garage door opened slowly, and Pierce stood over Bud’s prone body. The car was gone.

“Bud,” I breathed, opening the door and jumping from the car to run across the road and driveway. Oh God. Was he dead? Was it my fault? I reached him, dropping to my knees.

“He’s breathing. Just out cold,” Pierce said, standing and scouting the area behind me.

Bud lay face up, his body relaxed, his breathing easy. Red marks marred his big neck. I nudged his arm. “Is he wounded?”

“Nope. Looks like he was choked out,” Pierce said as one of the uniformed officers came around the side of the house, shaking his head. “Call this in, would you?”

Bud groaned and then flailed, swinging out and rolling to the side. His knuckles caught me on the chin, and I flew back into the wall, my head hitting hard enough that lights flashed behind my closed lids. I grabbed my chin, and tears welled. I forced my eyelids open.

Bud blinked several times and caught sight of me. “Ah, nuts,” he muttered.

I wanted to laugh but wasn’t sure if he’d broken my jaw or not.

Pierce moved for me and held out a hand. I took it to stand, wobbling only a little. “You okay?” he asked, his gaze narrowing on me.

I released my chin and worked my jaw. It hurt, but nothing cracked. “Yeah. I’m fine.” Compared with most of my recent injuries, this was no big deal.

Bud shoved to his feet. “Sorry about that.”

Pierce pivoted. “What happened?”

“Dunno.” Bud rubbed the back of his neck beneath the buzz cut. “Guy came out of nowhere, from behind, and put me in a hold.” He shook his head and then winced. “Knew what he was doing. Strong arm, male, bare.”

“No leather jacket?” I asked.

“No,” Bud said. “Could’ve killed me but didn’t.”

Pierce looked around the empty garage. “Killing a cop carries a much harsher sentence than assault and grand theft.” His gaze then pinned me.

I nodded. Yeah. I was fully aware that Aiden had been charged with both at some point. “We did see the Lordes' drive by earlier today.” They couldn’t have known we were getting a warrant for the car. Although, if they knew about Melvin getting a ride from Charles to the hidden lab, then it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Especially if the door was suddenly guarded by a uniformed police officer.

Pierce looked around. “All right. With this, we have grounds to search the entire house, closets and all. Everyone put on gloves.”

I rubbed my pounding jaw. “I’m going to go take another crack at Charles. Maybe he’s better medicated now, or perhaps he’ll be happy with me for feeding his dog. Hopefully he’ll remember how to get to that lab.” Once the hospital released him, something told me I wouldn’t be able to find him again.

Pierce nodded. “Bud? Drop her at her vehicle before you go to the hospital, would you?”

“I don’t need the hospital,” Bud growled.

“Too bad. It’s procedure, and you know it. You’re off duty until you’re cleared.” Pierce moved for me, tugging my jacket shut. “I don’t have a guy to put on you until next shift. Keep your weapon. Go to the hospital and then home, and I’ll send a car out around nine tonight. Tell me you’ll just go to those places.”

I nodded. Considering the bad guys, most likely the Lordes, had confiscated Charles Monroe’s car, I wasn’t feeling too vulnerable. Well, any more than usual. Jareth Davey had been close at one point to send that card, but he’d been sending me cards for years. “Got it.”

Pierce released me. “We’ll have to take a raincheck on the barbecue tonight. Another time?”

“Of course.” Was I relieved or bummed I wasn’t going on a date with Pierce? I’d have to figure it out later.

He nodded. “Call me if Monroe gives up an address for the hidden lab.” He

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