A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,99

very much. I will indeed treasure it always." Ha, she thought, Gareth could not complain about that! Thinking about Gareth, she did not even realize it had happened until she was suddenly wrapped in Llywelyn's warm hug. Unsure of what to do, she patted his back. When he released her, she quickly stepped back, but not before noticing his eyes were damp, though he was smiling brightly.

Once outside, Elena clasped the book tightly to her breast. "I want to stop by the seamstress shop and see how my new dress is coming along."

"What new dress?"

"Gareth bought me fabric for a new dress and chemise. We took it to a seamstress yesterday morning and she said she would have it done by the time we returned to England."

"Gareth bought you fabric?" Elena had never heard Bryant speak so sharply or bitterly, and she looked at him quickly to determine what had upset him. All she saw was a moody frown.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, of course not," he said abruptly. Seemingly forcing himself out of his foul mood, he smiled tautly and said, "Do you remember where the shop is?"

Elena blinked. "I have no idea. Don't you know where they are? There are three of them on the same street. Once we reach the street, I'll remember which one it is."

"This is my first time in Aberstwyth. Let me ask the bookseller." Bryant ran back to the small shop. While she waited for him, Elena rubbed her neck, which was stiff from crouching over books all day. Looking up at the late afternoon sky, she felt a sense of peace come over her and she wished unselfconsciously that Gareth were here with her. There was a silence over the town that only occurs on such perfect late summer evenings. The sky was a rich lapis blue, the low-hung clouds impossibly white. Inhaling deeply, she smelled the wetness of the nearby sea as a cooling breeze kissed her face. Truly, Gareth should be here, she thought. He is the one who helped me appreciate such simple pleasures.

Alone with her thoughts since she first awoke, Elena wondered again why Gareth had not come to her room last night. Surely after the previous night and all of yesterday spent together, he did not think she loathed his company. Elena's feminine pride rebelled at the thought that he might have simply not wanted to come to her. A delicious tingle ran down her spine as she remembered their night spent together. No, he had been well pleased. He must have been unable to join her without arousing suspicion. There could be no other answer. Or, rather, she would allow no other answer.

Within minutes, Bryant had returned to her and they quickly found their way through the maze of narrow alleys to the correct street.

"Let me think," Elena said as she gazed at the identical shops that lined the street. "I know it was on this side. There was a baker's shop nearby...Ah, there it is."

"Are you sure?" Bryant asked as they approached it. "There isn't a sign and the inside looks empty."

"That's how I know this is the right place." Elena pushed opened the door and called out for Annie. The five-year-old boy came tumbling down the staircase to answer their call.

"Mama says you is to come dupstairs," he said importantly.

They followed the young messenger to the spotless room upstairs. Nothing had changed except that the mound of cloth burying the large table was now cranberry-colored instead of blue, as it had been the day before. Annie was sitting at the table, crouched over a seam.

"If you'll just give me a moment, ma'am, I'll have it ready for you to try on."

"Ready to try on? How have you managed to get so much done?" Elena asked, amazed at the woman's speed.

Breaking the thread with her teeth, Annie stood and shook out the dress. "You said you needed it ready by day after tomorrow. I worked on it all yesterday and today. I still have to put the collar on and hem it, but otherwise 'tis done."

Elena took the gown from Annie, her eyes glowing with pleasure. "It is beautiful." Holding it up to herself, Elena flared the skirt out. "Where can I try it on?"

"Oengus, take this gentleman downstairs until I call for you."

The child, obviously remembering the game from yesterday, immediately took Bryant's hand in his own and pulled him down the stairs. As soon as Annie closed the door, Elena began working

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