A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,95

as she turned her head to urge him along, and her wind-tousseled hair.

They reached Samuel's shop as the sun was slipping into the ocean, just visible in the distance from his doorstep. Gareth paused to watch it flatten and slowly sink, feeling the last rays warm his face with a golden glow possible only at this time of night. As soon as the uppermost edge had slipped away, the evening took on a cool blue light that was somehow suddenly quiet and peaceful. Closing his eyes, Gareth inhaled deeply, forgetting his burdens and absorbing all the peace of the moment. Elena was going to miss real food for a week, but he was afraid he was going to miss this feeling of utter peace for a great deal longer. He opened his eyes and looked up to see the first star of the evening twinkle above him. "Please be a good omen," he whispered before following Elena into the warm house.

Chapter 18

Elena lay awake for several hours, waiting for Gareth to join her. She had no doubt he would, after the previous night and the whole day spent pleasurably in each other's company. To pass the time until he came, Elena thought of her new dress, wishing she had her mother's garnet necklace to wear with it once it was finished. When she had exhausted every seam and hem on that topic, she went over all the sights she and Gareth had seen today, noting their differences from the shops she had seen in London, or one of the smaller towns and villages throughout England she had visited as a lady-in-waiting. She wondered what kind of books the bookseller would have and if Gareth possibly had enough money to purchase one for her. Probably not, she thought, only slightly disappointed. What with fabric, and hiring the seamstress, that alone was probably enough to wipe out a new knight's means.

Elena yawned. Did knights earn any money? She suspected very little. They, like ladies-in-waiting basically lived at the expense of the king in exchange for their services. I wonder how Gareth is expected to attract a wife if he has no means of supporting her, she wondered as she snuggled deeper under the covers. Of course, there was that cozy little keep, nestled in those harshly beautiful mountains. She wouldn't mind living there??he refused to examine that rampant thought and instead allowed her mind to replay the events of the previous night. Once she had decided what she was going to do, she had suffered no apprehension, no qualms. And in his embrace, she had found no discomfort or embarrassment. Gareth's warm hands and drugging kisses had made her feel worshipped. She had never felt so vitally alive as she had during their lovemaking. And Gareth had lost any boyish awkwardness and had expertly wrung from her such pleasures as she had never anticipated. And was there a more deliciously comfortable way to sleep than nestled in his arms, her back pressed to his chest, their legs tangling, his arms cushioning her head and wrapping snugly around her waist? She seriously doubted it. Turning on her side, Elena imagined Gareth was pressed up against her. With a deep sigh, she felt her body relaxing languorously, preparing itself for Gareth's attentions.

Elena awoke to bright sunlight pouring in the small window. Disoriented she pushed herself up to her elbows and looked around. She had only just been thinking that any moment Gareth would be entering her room and now it was daylight. Looking at the candle, she saw only a puddle of wax melted onto the small table. Oh dear. Not even in Richard's well-furnished castles were candles a thing to be wasted. But the candle occupied her mind for just a moment before the larger reality sank in. Gareth had not joined her! Elena sat fully up and pounded the bed with her fist. What in the world was he thinking? Had she not smiled meaningfully at him last night as she left the dining table, bidding everyone good night? Had she not left her door cracked invitingly so that the candlelight would guide him to her? Had she said aught to lead him to believe that she had not found their night of passion enjoyable? Certainly not!

"You dolt!" she cursed as she threw back the covers and rapidly dressed. She would certainly give him a piece of her mind, she thought as she ran a borrowed comb through her thick hair. Elena

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