A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,79

would be dispensed with. Ladies-in-waiting would be sent back to their parents or the convent they had come from, for surely Henry Tudor would install new ones once he wed. Elena, like her mother, would be cut off from the social life she loved.

"We'd best head back. It's getting late," he said, his voice flat.

Turning, he began walking quickly up the beach to the cobbled street. Elena tried to match his rapid strides, but could not in the gravelly sand. Running lightly to catch up to him, she linked her hand through his arm to slow him down. "Where are we sleeping tonight?" she asked.

Gareth did not hear Elena's question until she squeezed his arm and asked him again. He realized then that she was clinging to his arm and slowed his pace accordingly. "Samuel, the man whose shop we were in earlier will put us up tonight."

"You mean we get to sleep inside? And perhaps have warm water to wash in and clean linen to sleep on?"

Despite his disappointment, Gareth smiled at her tone and her questions. "Yes, my lady, you will have all the finest luxury Aberystwyth has to offer." Trying not to think of how much he would miss their bantering once they reached Richard's court, he guided them back to the center of town.


As they walked the moonlit streets back to Samuel's shop and home, Elena couldn't help but wonder if she had said something to anger Gareth. Although he answered any question she asked about this street or that shop, he seemed to forget her existence once he responded. For a woman who was used to being the center of a man's attention--especially if he was lucky enough to be taking a moonlit stroll with her--Gareth's distraction bothered her. Of course, she reminded herself, this is Gareth, the man who could kiss her like she'd never been kissed one night and then throw himself at a coarse serving wench the next. This was the man who had nearly...well, nearly made love to her, and then treated her as nothing more than one of his rough traveling companions. Her life in Richard's court had taught her much about men and their moods, but Gareth belied all she knew. None of her carefully devised "wiles" had worked on him, yet when she least expected it, and was least prepared for it, he would kiss her, with tenderness, or with soul-scorching passion that left her gasping for breath. Gareth seemed most responsive to her when she was completely unconscious of what she was doing or saying. On the other hand, when she acted like a proper lady of the court, he always seemed to grow distant.

So why should he be sullen now? she asked herself. Hadn't she just tossed over every dignity by climbing onto that stump and playing tug-of-war until she was as sweaty as a horse? Elena gazed up at the stars, wishing she could read their supposed messages. Would she never understand this man?

Gareth tugged on her arm, startling her. She hadn't realized she had stopped when she was studying the stars.

"We're almost there," he said politely as she ran lightly to match his quickening pace.

When they reached the shop, it, like every other shop on the street, was dark.

"Have they forgotten us?" Elena asked worriedly. She did not want to sleep outside one more night, especially when their blankets, which offered meager comfort, were inside!

"No, I'm sure someone is awake in the back rooms," Gareth assured as he knocked on the door, although Elena didn't think he sounded very convinced.

Gareth tried the handle, but it was locked. He knocked again more loudly, but there was still no answer. He was just about to pound on the door when it swung open.

The sleepy countenance of Samuel greeted them, with voluminous white night shirt billowing, and nightcap askew. He was holding a candle up to inspect their faces. "Saints preserve us, young man, have you no consideration for the hours of an honest working man?" he asked as he opened the door wider for them to enter.

"I'm sorry, Samuel. We were in the market and we lost all track of time," Gareth apologized.

"Humph," Samuel replied as he led them through the shop and down the hall. He stopped in the middle of the hall and opened a door Elena had not even noticed earlier. "The lady may sleep in here. It's not large, but it is clean and comfortable. You, impertinent boy, are upstairs with all

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