A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,66

laugh. “Just time consuming. How much have I missed?"

"About a day's worth of plans. And you'll never believe who arrived just this morning," Bryant said as he escorted them into the dimly lit shop. Bolts of wool lined two of the three walls, from thick nubby plaits to buttery soft weaves in a muted rainbow of colors. A third wall held a few bolts of fine cotton and several shelves of precious trims.

"Who, King Richard?" Gareth teased.

Bryant shrugged and shook his head dramatically as he led them down a small hall. "No, you oaf. Lord Stanley, Henry's stepfather."

Gareth paused and in the dark hall, Elena ran into his back. He ignored her jab to his ribs as he asked, "Does Richard not hold his son as a hostage to Stanley's loyalty?"

"Yes which is why it is so amazing that he's here. He is risking many lives to help Henry plan."

Ignoring Elena, who kept running into him and poking him in the ribs, Gareth marveled at the news. So, Lord Stanley had finally chosen a side. For the past three reigns, Stanley had vacillated between Lancaster and York, showing support for whichever party sat on the throne. The last his father had heard, the influential Stanleys were remaining carefully aloof from the upcoming confrontation between Henry and Richard. Perhaps Stanley's wife, Henry's mother, had finally forced him to take a stand. Gareth felt much more confident in their success with Bryant's news.

The dim hall emptied into a small, tidy living area. Turning, Bryant gestured to the chairs at the table. "Lady Elena, if you will sit here, I will return shortly and try to find something for you to eat." Motioning to Gareth, he led the way to a door in the corner of the room. Opening the door, Bryant started up a narrow staircase, Gareth following quickly behind.

"Wait!" Elena said imperiously. "Where are you going? What about me?"

Gareth turned around and Bryant bent down on the steps so he could see into the room. "Elena," Gareth began. This meeting is between Henry's closest advisors and those of us who are willing to die to put him on the throne. There is no way we can bring a woman to the meeting, much less an English woman from Richard's court.”

Elena frowned and stomped her foot. "But I'm Welsh, too. And besides, I almost died for this cause, remember?"

Gareth crossed the room and took Elena's face between his hands, his thumbs caressing her soft cheeks. Elena grasped his wrists but did not try to pull his hands away. Gareth's voice was quiet as he tried to explain.

"As it is, my father and I are very honored to be allowed at this meeting. Were it not for Eyri Keep's strategic location to a marching army and our ability to provide supplies for that army, we would be waiting with every other Welsh farmer for the call to follow instead of preparing to lead. What you did for this cause was very important and you can be sure I will credit you for saving our lives. But I cannot impose on Lord Stanley by bringing you unannounced into this meeting." Kissing her gently on the forehead, he said, "Please, Elena."

Elena shook her head. "But I can contribute! I know Richard's court! I may know something you don't, although I'm sure you will find it hard to believe," she finished sarcastically.

Gareth refused to take offense and said, "I'm sorry Elena." Turning, he rejoined Bryant and closed the door to the staircase.

Ahead of him on the stairs, Bryant said, "I don't think you should be so familiar with Lady Elena."

Gareth, his mind on the meeting upstairs frowned in the dark. "Familiar? What are you talking about?"

Bryant was silent for a moment and then said tightly, "Kissing her, touching her, calling her by her given name alone."


"She's betrothed! And even were she not, she wouldn't be able to tell that you were not serious, that you don't care for her in that way."

Gareth felt like he had walked into the middle of a stranger's conversation. "In what way? What are you talking about, Bryant? I was just trying to comfort her."

They had reached the top of the steps and Bryant paused, his hand on the door handle. He turned around but Gareth could not make out the expression on his face in the dark stairwell. "If Henry Tudor should be successful, Lady Elena will not have to marry that fat earl. Just how do you thing a

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