A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,61

away her earlier life, freeing her from the angst of living in the king’s court: the constant scheming and manipulating—and that just for the chance to wait on someone of higher rank, or to gain a more prestigious seat at the next feast. The relief of not trying to live down a disgrace, not worrying what others thought of her, was so great, she wondered if she could ever return to Richard’s court.

Elena drew her cold feet out of the water and stared unseeing at them. Had she changed so much in such a short amount of time? she wondered. Well had she played the calculated games of court life. She’d been proud of her knowledge, her ability to read people and manipulate them to better her own position. Would she not miss the stimulation of such daily calculation and risk? She searched her heart and mind. No. She would not.

True, there was the dreaded betrothal to the Earl of Brackley. Elena might have been able to wheedle her way out of it, but it had opened her eyes at just how little control over her own life she had had as a member of the king’s court. Here in Wales, she had seized her destiny, chosen her path. She had saved the lives of Gareth and his friends. She was no pawn in a larger game. The feeling was as frightening as it was invigorating.

Then, too, there was Gareth. Her feelings for him had rapidly evolved from scorn and hatred to…to…well something far more unsettling. Waking up in his arms, sharing powerful, drugging kisses with him had set her blood on fire, something she’d never encountered with her other, more “noble” suitors. And the thought of someone like Lord Edgeford risking his life for her was preposterous. Elena knew without a doubt that Gareth would die before allowing harm to come to her. It was a heady, utterly unfamiliar feeling to be so protected.

She had no idea what the future held, where she would end up after they reached Aberystwyth, but she would trust—at least for the time being—in the powerful attraction between her and Gareth.

Standing, Elena debated taking off her travel-stained gown and having a proper bath when a step behind her made her realize Gareth must be awake. Looking over her shoulder, her smile nearly turned to a scream. Behind her stood not Gareth but four men, soldiers no doubt, judging from their leather armor and weapons.

"What is your name?" asked one in English. Elena assumed he must be the leader. He was short and stocky, his iron-grey hair clipped unfashionably close against his head, his face furrowed with lines of wear and as tanned as old leather. Dear God, she thought. This is the man the abbess sent to find Gareth! Elena bowed her head, allowing her hair to fall over her face, pretending to humbly grovel to the captain. She glanced up at him to see if he recognized her.

His eyes were black and glittered sharply under bushy grey brows, but they gave no hints that he’d seen her before. "Where do you live?" he asked more harshly.

Elena said nothing, frantically trying to think of what to do, what explanation she could give for being here. Had they come across Gareth yet? No, they couldn't have. They had obviously approached her from the opposite direction.

The man barked his questions at her again, this time in hesitant Welsh.

Elena's thoughts raced through her mind frantically. If he thought she was Welsh, perhaps she could convince him that she and Gareth were not the people he was looking for. Assuming, of course, they even knew Gareth and his friends had an Englishwoman with them.

"Marared," Elena said improvising quickly. "I live in Gwynedd."

The captain stared at her keenly. Behind him the other two began making suggestive remarks under their breath, chuckling lewdly. Sweet Mary! Elena thought. What if this man is accustomed to turning prisoners over to his men?

That worry was cut short when the captain's head snapped around and he glared at his men for a long moment. The men sobered abruptly and he turned his attention back to her.

"What are you doing so far from Gwynedd alone and in the middle of nowhere?"

His stumbling Welsh gave Elena time to frantically think of a response. While he waited for her answer, he nodded to his men, instructing them to search the area. As soon as Elena saw one head in Gareth's direction, she knew what she must say.


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